Jun 10, 2021

James Pawlyk charged with throwing excrement and bodily fluids on employees at jail employees


Receipt of Dr. Wilson's report for James Pawlyk, which she has already submitted for his parole revocation case, was continued to June 17. This is because Pawlyk has yet to be arraigned on another case and a third one has yet to be processed by the clerk's office. Deputy District Attorney Clover Schinke said that case would be scheduled for arraignment this afternoon. Criminal proceedings are already suspended in one case.

In the case that Pawlyk would have been arraigned this morning, he is charged with PC 243.9 (a).

Penal Code (PC) section 243.9, subsection (a), defines battery by gassing as "every person confined in any local detention facility who commits a battery by gassing upon the person of any peace officer or employee of the local detention facility is guilty of aggravated battery." This crime is classified as a felony.

In subsection (b), "Gassing" is defined as "intentionally placing or throwing, or causing to be placed or thrown, upon the person of another, any human excrement or other bodily fluids or bodily substances or mixtures containing human excrement or other bodily fluids or bodily substances that result in actual contact with the person's skin or membranes."

Pawlyk is in custody and as usual, refused to come to court. Deputy Public Defender Wade Orbelian said he did not want to force Pawlyk to come to court.

6/17: Pawlyk incompetent to stand trial. Criminal proceedings remain suspended. CONREP report and mental health evaluation for anti psychotic meds scheduled for July 13.

6/22: Pawlyk refused to come to court for the araaignment on the "gassing case:. It was continued to 6/23. Still refused to come to court. This case is also scheduled for CONREP report and mental health evaluation for anti psychotic meds on July 13.

7/13: Pawlyk committed to state hospital. Confirmation of transport is scheduled for August 11.

I predicted this because this has happened before and the cycle will repeat. I am not covering his hearings regarding his transport.

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