Jun 26, 2021

Thank you Luke, Kym and others who reached out

Since my post about being threatened yesterday some people reached out to me. Some weren't a surprise; some were.

Thank you Kym. Thank you Luke.

Did it surprise me that Luke Brownfield emailed me? Yes and no. Considering what I wrote about him recently, that may surprise the haters but you have no clue about me or most people you talk smack about. What I wrote about Luke was accurate but he is a nice guy. Like me, Luke can separate the person from the job and I can do the same. 

If anyone knows my passion, why I am vocal and what I do, it is the people in the courts. Luke knows where my frustration, my criticism comes from. I have not always been critical of him. It isn't personal. Luke had the decency to reach out. Luke has known me for years. 

I will give Luke a chance at this job. I will take up his offer and ask questions.  

In fact, Kym and Luke has shown that they have more class and done more with that one kind gesture than the people who should be concerned about me, stand up for me and help me but that would require them to have morals, a soul and they posess neither. 

Those people, rich or poor, have  built a life screwing over other people, using people and keeping Humboldt stagnant. What they don't have is true loyalty or true friends. Those treasures are revealed when life takes unexpected turns. I am blessed to have God, my faith and genuine people in my life who value me.

My attitude has changed and my frustration has grown in the last 10 years. It is not reflective of who I am. I have seen people come here and Humboldt suck the life out of them within a few months. I have put up with a lot for 18 years. The negativity and abuse in Humboldt infects the most positive person.

Most people stay quiet and suffer. I don't. I speak up. And I  will continue to against a place where I arrived 18 years ago with a positive attitude, continue to contribute my time and money to improve and do it despite being blindsided by the deception, negativity, toxic filth from the moment I got here. After the first few years, the nastiness, the abusers and the constant attacks against good require truth to be spoken and evil to be exposed.

What I say is how many others feel. 

The beauty visible outside in Humboldt isn't reflected in the ugliness inside and outside the weak and selfish who spew hatred and those who cannot stand the truth and any criticism of Humboldt. Get over it. Change what is and has been wrong here for decades or take a hike. Those of you that have cost me and many others our health, money, livelihood and tried to destroy us are being exposed on a national level. 

The weak and evil in Humboldt always attack those who are good and positive in Humboldt. It wears decent people down. It constantly challenges those trying to do good; trying to make Humboldt a better place.

Despite what happened from the moment I came here, I give back to this community. Instead of gratitude, I get attacked by those afraid and in denial of their wrongdoing. Instead of taking responsibility for the lives Humboldt destroys; the evil steps up the attacks.

When someone speaks up because they are sick of the attacks, the evil get all holier than thou. One good thing about the "EPD texts" and Rory Kalin lawsuits is the national attention. The local strategy of sweeping things under the rug by weak, apathetic locals isn't going to work anymore.

For the fake local Christians, especially those who spout the words of the Bible do you read it or even believe in God ? Psalms of David, the prayer of Jabez, Jesus' words, are they for show? You certainly are not following the gospel or standing up to the devil in Humboldt. Nor are you standing up for those fighting the devil. You aid the devil by your silence and enabling evil. 

I am not talking about some imaginary creature. The evil that killed Fr. Eric, Hannah Hayhurst, so many more in Humboldt is real. Who is responsible for that evil? Fr. Eric died because of the permissive drug culture; the pedophile cult, the Jerry Fallwell adulterers, the Joel Osteen greed mongers who masuerade as a church and holy; the evil that has corrupted scriptures and the Word of God and the evil who withold the unconditional love of God for  man made laws. That evil is in the church and the fake cultists drive away true believers. It isn't just Catholicism. It is man made Christianity and all religion.

Hannah Hayhurst died from the evil in this community that profits from drugs and denying people mental health and the basics to live. How many businesses and people are rich and still earn money from drugs in Humboldt? 

If you stand up and dare to speak the truth anywhere,  but especially here, the evil in Humboldt will attack you incessantly; it will try and destroy you. The court cases I cover are just a small example of innocent lives destroyed in this town by weak, sinful, callous people.

Many of you don't know me, most of you have no clue what I have been through and what I have been subjected to since I came here. You have no idea who may care about me or my well being. Your experience of me is through your filter, your bias and for most people based on second hand lies, gossip and misdirected anger. 

For those that have tried to shut this blog down, are still trying and have done everything to destroy me, my career, my health, lied, manipulated and have no life other than to gossip and create drama on social media because your own lives are miserable, you are not going to silence me or anyone else in Humboldt speaking up against abuse and power. 

Take a look in the mirror and around you. Are you a part of making Humboldt better and fighting the abusers or are you a part of the toxic filth that holds this beautiful place from achieving full potential.

The "EPD text", the Marci Kitchens, the Gary Lee Bullocks and Jason Warrens are a perfect example of evil attacking the innocent and good. Why is Humboldt constantly the devil's playground? It is a question you should ask yourself, answer and look in the mirror.

If you want to find God; if you want to seek good; the last place you will find it is in any man made religion. If you are not religious, good vs evil is still a concept. If you don't even believe that, you have no soul. 

The devil/evil has many faces and it is most obvious in the alliance of politics, business, religion and media. 

Right now, we are at one of the most crucial turning points in the history of mankind. You are either on the right side or you are not.

If religious people actually believed in heaven or hell and in God; there actions would show it.

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