May 11, 2023

These papers have been sitting around for days and who put this sign up?


I have never seen more than three Times-Standard papers at the 4th Street courthouse in the years I have been going to the Courthouse. Yesterday, I noticed three days of TS papers stacked and left there all day. Today, the stack grew to 4 days of unclaimed papers. 

Yesterday, there is a conversation about only 3 subscribers for these papers and why TS is dropping off extra papers and today this mysterious sign appears about newspapers being for staff. Why are they still sitting there if there is such a demand? Who left this sign? Papers for four days are still sitting there since Monday.

In the past years, three TS papers left in the morning were gone by the evening. TS has left papers in the cafe before, once in a blue moon. I know from talking to subscribers in the community, longtime TS subscribers are cancelling. TS has occasionally dropped off papers at local hotels and other places that were not subscriptions and they sit there.

North Coast Journal has for years drops off papers in hotels, restaurants. The stack sits there for a week collecting dust and then get replaced by new ones. Even the newspaper boxes for both these publications aren't empty every week.

A better use of "extra" papers would be dropping them off to seniors or the library for free where they might actually get read. 

5/12: Papers from two days were still stacked on Friday.

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