Apr 25, 2022

Is Ray Christie a criminal or just a self absorbed jerk who is in trouble because he pisses people off?

Joe Manni has a current lawsuit in which he is suing the Alexandre family. That is the former employer mentioned in his declaration in the latest defense motion in the Ray Christie case filed today.

Manni has previously sued Mario Avelar. Avelar has previously sued Ray Christie and is now doing business with Ray Christie. Manni and Mario Avelar have now written declarations for Christie.

Ask yourself why?

I have spoken to Ray, Mario, Manni and Ray's brother Darrell Christie several times. There are a lot of opinions and feelings people have about them based on their individual interactions and they will differ. The credibility of all four is relevant since all of them have given sworn declarations in Ray Christie's case.

There is so much drama, backstabbing and Humboldt ranch politics in the Ray Christie case that it is hard to focus on the evidence. If you do focus on the facts, then ask yourself is Ray Christie a criminal or just a self absorbed jerk who is in trouble because he pisses people off?

The drama, darkness and evil around this case and the people involved drains, attacks and exhausts even the strongest and most spiritual person. 

Ray and a few around him live in their own alternate vision of reality. In this case, there are facts and evidence that maybe contrary to what is convenient to Ray. It does not make the evidence irrelevant.

I have many discussions with all four of them. If I was judging Ray, Mario and Manni on their court history and behavior in court, I would not speak to any of them.

Out of all these four, Mario is the only one, to my knowledge who has never lied to me. He has been consistent about what he says. He may not always be able to provide the verification I need for certain claims but he tries. He is always accessible and he is respectful. After this post, that may change. He is financially intertwined and dependent on Ray.

Ray and Darrell can turn on the charm when it is convenient but when they don't need something or you say something they don't want to hear; you don't exist. I have seen two sides of Ray and he flips like a switch. His first lawyer, Ken Bareilles and his second lawyer, John Cogorno got dumped. For months, Cogorno was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  You really think Ray won't bad mouth others or me when convenient to him? I have seen him seething in fury when challenged on his claims unsupported by evidence or his lies.

I no longer speak with Manni and blocked him after the first meeting because not only has he repeatedly crossed boundaries several times but because he behaved like a psycho and a stalker. His behavior with women is controlling, abusive and deplorable. He knows exactly who and what I am talking about and if necessary, I will name time, locations and incidents. I have said this to Ray, Darrell and Mario. Ray told me he conveyed how I feel to Manni.

I don't believe a word Manni says. That is not neccessarily because Manni isn't saying the truth but because what he says is selective and with a motive. Manni has an axe to grind against the Alexandres and the Humboldt Auction yard. He is using Ray's case for his own personal gain. Ray is using him. 

Justin Mora and others, as usual, threaten and attack me instead of the real culprits because that is the Humboldt way. You all are powerless against each other so you unleash your misery and frustration and repeatedly harass, threaten someone who spends 24/7 trying to improve this community and clean up after the mess your local politicians and business leaders have created.

Just because Ray and Mario are all buddy buddy with you in the ranching circle or at the Auction yard doesn't mean that is how they feel. They can be two faced but who isn't in Humboldt? After 18 years, I trust no one in Humboldt except for less than a handful who have proved it through their actions and words that they are real and decent. 

There are many people in Humboldt who would like a lawyer like Rick Richmond and to have Larson Law Firm representing them. People who have been targeted unjustly and suffered. 

I have seen Ray and Mario in public be disrespectful and treat Rick badly because a motion didn't go a certain way. Maybe they should look at their immature, circus behavior in court and their constant blabbering about this case with anyone who will listen as the real reason for the failure. 

Ray, Mario, Manni and Darrell need to allow the case to be tried in court without their amateur attempts at playing Sherlock and Holmes and thinking they are fooling state agents or anyone else. 

There are many people who want me to tell their story, write about their case. I have put in a lot of time on the Christie case. I have done my own investigation. Before me, Ray did not get the balanced coverage or to tell his side of the story. People have changed their mind about him when they heard facts that were not brought out before.

I have been retaliated against because of the selfish, petty, backstabbing, racist, homophobic, transphobic insecure local egos who can't handle the truth about themselves and this backwards County. I have been threatened and suffered many consequences because I do not back down from covering news and information that other local media chooses to ignore because it is inconvenient to the Humboldt Connected.

Ray is an ungrateful, self absorbed, self centered jerk who does not appreciate his lawyer or me or care about anyone else. Ray treats a lot of people with disrespect including those who have been loyal to him.

Ray's hatred of Travis Mendes, Adrian Kamada, his tunnel vision about his case and his hubris will be his downfall.  No lawyer, no journalist can save Ray from himself. Loose lips sink ships. Ray and those around him will have to learn that the hard way.

Mendes and Kamada botched this case. If you are one of those people who rant about the first trial or this case dragging on; then put the blame where it belongs : shoddy law enforcement, state agents and an incompetent prosecutor for the first trial.

Ray should be grateful that Mr. Rick Richmond has polished the turd his previous lawyers created and is playing offense in an aggressive defense strategy. The community should be grateful that Deputy District Attorney Steve Steward is doing his best to prosecute Kamada's mess. 

Judge Gregory Elvine-Kreis was correct in telling Ray that he narrowly escaped being convicted. He is also correct in suggesting the People resolve this case. 

I have privately talked to Ray many times about concerns, red flags, given him chance after chance but he does not listen and he does not care. I don't like people who lie to me and I don't like people who refuse to accept responsibility. Ray, you say  you want the best for others, you are doing this for the community, that you appreciate my fair coverage but your actions show differently. How you react after this post will reveal the truth about who you are.

I have gone to bat for many people in this community. Those who are not from Humboldt are always appreciative. Those in Humboldt; only some are grateful but only during the time they need you. Even those people forget what I have done for them. Most people here take, take but never give back. The worst are the lying backstabbers. 

Previous posts (these are just some of the posts on this case):





































Related posts (injured cow not beonging to Christie):



Related posts (Jack Honsal's pigs)





Related post (Elvine-Kreis and Kamada): 


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