Apr 30, 2022

Thomas Edrington and Kent Sawatzky tell County about their intent to file a lawsuit


What would a Humboldt Board of Supervisors meeting be without some existing or potential litigation being discussed under closed session?

Thomas Kent Edrington, who lists a couple of different titles in his email to the County, including Founding Member of Transparent Humboldt Coalition and frequent public commenter Kent Sawatzky sent an email on 4/25/22 about a notice of intent to file a lawsuit.

Since Edrington has decided to identify himself with THC, I am free to discuss a conversation with Kent who approached me to link THC to my blog. I declined. I was going to keep that conversation private but if Edrington and Kent want to sue the County, they need to be transparent about their affiliations.  I am not on the County's side or anyone's side. I am on the side of facts, truth and transparency. 

I would like to see the County exposed but Kent has been crying the sky is falling for years. He has failed at doing anything except using up oxygen in the BOS chambers for his cause of the week and whatever Supervisor he is pissed at that week.

Kent's pissy reaction at my refusal was fine,"I will go to Thomas Edrington and Kym Kemp." He also thought now that Isabella Vanderheiden is at Lost Coast Outpost, she would be open to publishing stuff he considers a new tips she did not or could not at the Times Standard. This is not to say that any of these people are doing what Kent claims. This is Kent making claims, again, without any evidence. Edrington has chosen to align himself Kent, we will see how that works out.

I told Kent he could go to whoever he wants. He could give me a valid news tip but I don't do anonymous posts or link anonymous blogs/sites and I do not print anything that I cannot verify. I told him I am not linking THC and I don't want THC to link me.

Many claims Kent made to me have also surfaced in anonymous comments on other sites. Who are these people? There a lot of claims being made and from people with a clear agenda on both sides. 

I keep my anonymous sources confidential but I know who they are. I moderate comments. I have had enough of the gossip, the false accusations, the lack of evidence because many of the same people get pissy for selfish, political, business agendas and smear me or anyone else anonymously. Around elections, this anonymous mud slinging gets worse. 

I also set Kent straight on some misinformation he was told about me, the standards of what I consider news and the perils of what he thinks is his effort to be Humboldt Wikileaks. If you read my blog regularly, you know what I think of Kent and how he is perceived by most people. Kent has alienated many people who formerly support him. In Humboldt, there are always those people who like another anonymous option to say whatever they want, including spreading lies and rumors without consequences.

Kent has taken over the formerly defunct THC under a new URL and thinks he is the one informing the public about vital information regarding the Auditor Controller. 

Email from BOS agenda:

"Dear Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, The purpose of this Letter Is to provide a formal notice that Thomas Kent Edrington and Kent Sawatzky ("Plaintiffs") intend to file a lawsuit against Humboldt County Board of Supervisors ("Defendant") due to the reasons explained as follows: 

The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors and several executive staff have, on numerous occasions, violated the County of Humboldt Policy Statement Regarding The Political Activities of County Employees, listed below. 

County employees, including elected officials, have improperly utilized county time, premises, resources, and property to pursue electioneering regarding Humboldt County's Auditor Controller election. It is clear that these county employees have no intention of ceasing this activity without legal action. This behavior is beneath the dignity of Humboldt's public servants, and violates county and state regulation. It has damaged the course of the democratic process In the county, and diminished our county's reputation and trust with its citizens and peers."

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