May 3, 2019

First note today from the Chad Smith jurors

For the first time today, the jurors in the Chad Smith case have called for the bailiff.

Attorneys inside courtroom. At 3:15, bailiff came out and the jury foreperson was asked to go into the courtroom by himself. Then each individual juror will go in by themselves. The courtroom will be closed.

3:25 p.m. DA Maggie Fleming went inside the courtroom.

3:30 DA Investigator Kyla Baxley walked into the courtroom with penal code books. Followed two minutes by Deputy DA Joel Buckingham who was in there briefly.

Jurors are outside. Haven't gone into courtroom yet.

3:40 p.m. DA Maggie Fleming leaves; jury foreperson goes in.

Individual questioning of the jurors took 50 minutes.

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