May 25, 2019

Did you message your father asking him to come to your room asking him to have sex with you?"

"You testified at length yesterday about the things that your father did to you,"Deputy Public Defender Luke Brownfield said to Jane Doe. Mr. Brownfield asked her to clarify her age the first time Seng Yang had sexual intercourse with her. Jane Doe's testimony was that her dad raped her.

Jane Doe said 8th grade. She couldnt remember, she was 13 or 14 years old.

Mr. Brownfield: "At any point did you message your dad?"

Jane Doe responded on Facebook messenger.

Mr. Brownfield: "Did you regularly text him?"

"Yes," said Jane Doe.

"Did you ever message your dad to come to your room to have sex with him?"

"No," said Jane Doe.

Mr. Brownfield: "Were you shown Facebook messages?"

Jane Doe said yes and said from "My District Attorney."

Mr. Brownfield: "Did you review messages this morning from you to your father?"

"Yes," said Jane Doe.

Again, Mr. Brownfield asked her, "Did you message your father asking him to come to your room asking him to have sex with you?"

"Yes," said Jane Doe.

Mr. Brownfield showed Jane Doe two pages of messages.

"It is saying I want my dad to come to my room to have sexual intercourse with me." Jane Doe said that she did not send that message.

She explained, "Well, my parents tend to take my phone when I get in trouble." She said her dad had full access to her phone and it is possible he sent the message on July 31, 2017.

Mr. Brownfield: "Have you ever had your dad send messages from you to himself?"

Jane Doe said she had never seen this message "before today" and it was not from her.

Mr. Brownfield asked her if the messages he gave her were the same ones that Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads showed her. Jane Doe said she discussed the Facebook messages with the DA.

Mr. Brownfield: "Did anyone tell you what you should say about these messages?"

"No," said Jane Doe.

Jane Doe said she was not sure how often she met with the DA but it was more than three times.

Mr. Brownfield: "Did you ever consent to your dad having sex with you?"

"No," said Jane Doe.

Jane Doe said yes to having a conversation with her dad about videos but that she did not agree to making the videos.

Mr. Brownfield said, "On the day before you went to the police, did you get into a big fight with your father?" He said the fight was about her leaving pans on the stove.

Jane Doe said that leaving pans on the stove sounds like something she may have done.

During recross examination, Mr. Brownfield asked again about the age and first time Yang had sexual intercourse with her. Jane Doe said 8th grade again but not sure what age.

Regarding Defense Exhibit A, Jane Doe said there was only message she did not send. She said there was a password to unlock her phone.

Mr.  Brownfield: "Was there a conversation in a car back from Trinity where you agreed to make videos?"

At first Jane Doe said, "I don't remember", then she said, "yes." She explained she said yes to having a conversation about family finances but "not to making a plan to make videos. "

Mr. Brownfield asked the question again.

"I believe it would help the family," said Jane Doe. " I should probably rephrase. It was being filmed anyway but it was forced upon me."

"But you did agree to make the videos," said Mr. Brownfield.

"Yes," said Jane Doe.

Jane Doe said that this conversation was after Yang had sexual intercourse with her and it is during this conversation that he told her he had been filming them having sex.

Mr. Brownfield: "You were concerned that the cops may think you had seduced your dad." Then he asked if he she had done anything.

Jane Doe responded, "No."

Mr. Brownfield: "So why did you think that?"

Jane Doe said Yang told her that "people would believe him and not her because I was a kid and he was an adult."

Mr. Brownfield: "Were there times you agreed to have sex with your father?"

"I'd like to say I was forced. I only said yes because otherwise he would hurt me."

Mr. Brownfield: "But there were times you said yes?"

"I never said yes. He did whatever," said Jane Doe.

Mr. Brownfield asked about the fight again regarding the stove and her dad taking her phone the night before she went to the police. Jane Doe said, "I don't remember."

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