Dec 11, 2023

Readers confused about a sensitive sign at protest about Palestine outside the courthouse and why Deputy DA Rees was there


I was at the courthouse very briefly this morning and used the 4th Street entrance. I did walk by the 5th street entrance later but walked by quickly and saw some protestors and in the few seconds saw a couple of signs that seemed to be in favor of Palestine. I saw one sign and the word women but I was literally at that corner for a few seconds and my attention was not on the protestors. The women  didn't look approachable. Many were wearing masks. Glaring at people in silence, looking angry is not the way to get people interested in the cause du jour of most Humboldt protestors.

Later this afternoon, I got a few messages from people who said a Deputy DA was "protesting today with a sign that said rape is okay if you're Jewish." One male Deputy DA came to mind  but I did not see him. I specifically asked them if it was a Deputy DA or an attorney. Some people who worked at the courthouse identified the male as Deputy DA Roger Rees. That is who I thought of even before the name was brought up. Others told me that Mr. Rees has been out at lunch and in the evening after work waving the Israel flag.

I do not know what Mr. Rees' schedule is today and if he is in court. I reached out to him. Mr. Rees confirmed he was there. At 4:52, he just responded, "I’ll be out there again at 5."

This  conflict between Israel and Palestine is serious, emotional and sensitive. Some of the people who reached out to me said they were confused about him being at the protest and the sign was confusing. Was it a statement or a question? A few people who work at the courthouse and other readers said that considering Mr. Rees is a Deputy DA which includes prosecuting rapists, the sign was in poor taste. I understand people don't like confrontation but maybe going up to Mr. Rees and just asking him why he is there may initiate a meaningful dialogue.

I just got a very thoughtful email from someone local who knows me well. This person understands that I am not expressing my personal feelings about Roger  in this post. 

I gave Roger a chance to explain why he was there and posted what he responded. I told him I would respect if he did not want to say anything else.

I have years of experience before I came to Humboldt as a journalist in the mainstream media and years of being involved as a community member, activist, founder of many firsts for women's issues, HIV/AIDS organizations, lgbtq rights and more.  I am more educated on both sides about this conflict for decades and have heard first hand experiences from people living in Israel and Palestine. There are other parts of the world where there is similar turmoil and unless someone has lived there, one doesn't have a clue from skewed representations in most media and agenda controlled by people in power.

 These protestors cannot even address the anti semitism or injustices happening here locally at the courthouse or the community. When the Holocaust museum opened in D.C., I was the only non jewish person and journalist who accompanied a group on a special tour. I wasn't there just as a journalist, they wanted me there with them because these were people who got to know me  covering the community for years and considered me a friend and someone they wanted by their side. This is years ago and I still cannot talk about that day. I have traveled all over the world, lived and visited all over the U.S.

I was not posting my personal feelings. Some people expressed their feelings about Roger being there. I didnt even see him or his sign. I have suggested to people to talk to him. They are seeing him as a Deputy DA, not as a man of faith and a human being.

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