Dec 25, 2023

21 year old molestor now charged with 8 felonies; picks up new case in custody in which his co-defendant is alleged molestor Kevin Dikes


After his preliminary hearing earlier this month, 21 year old alleged milestor Lucas Russell was held to answer for 6 felonies of alleged sexual abuse involving two minors. Rusell was arraigned on 12/21. The DA has added two more counts and special allegations in the information. Russell is now charged with 8 felonies for the jury trial. Trial confirmation in the molestation case is scheduled for 4/8/24; jury trial 4/22/24.

While in custody, Russell picked up another case for alleged assault and battery on another inmate. His arraignment in this case was continued from 9/27/23 to 9/28/23 . Russell's co-defendant in this second case is alleged molestor Kevin Dikes. Trial setting in the assault and battery case is scheduled for 1/8/24.

Molestation case:

Assault & battery case:

I covered Russell's arrest as I do many others involving such heinous crimes. His name is  familiar to me as it maybe to others. 

At the preliminary hearing, I was shocked to discover who the alleged victims were and also because I have been contacted by two different members of the alleged victim's family. Covering such tragic cases is depressing enough, especially in a small town. 

1/8/24: In assault & battery case, pre trial scheduled for 4/8, 4/22, 6/11, 6/24 since this case is trailing.

4/8/24: In CR2301442, 4/22 date vacated. Trial confirmation was on 5/9; jury trial on 5/20. CR2302908B, the assault and battery case is trailing.

5/9: At trial confirmation, there was an older woman in court who looked at Russell as he was leaving the courtroom to go back to jail and she left after his case was concluded. Just as I do in any case of this nature and in my previous coverage, I did nit name anyone connected to the alleged victims. Christa Wright was present via Zoom addressed Judge Joyce Hinrichs. Her name is in the court minutes and no anonymity was requested. It was stated in court by Deputy DA Whitney Timm that she is the mother of one of the alleged victims. Wright wants the two cases severed. I am not sure if she meant the other 2023 assault and battery case for Russell which is trailing or a reference to the alleged victims in this case.

Judge Hinrichs told Wright that the decision to try cases is made by the DA. Ms. Timm said that Ms. Sullivan has CAST interview and other interview discovery to pick up but there is at least one other interview needs to be completed and then that discovery needs to be provided to Ms. Sullivan.

Ms. Sullivan is supposed to start the Daniel Dozier trial next week which is expected to last a month, so whether this trial can proceed depends on that case and if defense choses to ask for a continuance based on recent discovery.

Further trial confirmation is scheduled on 5/15 to see the status of the interview, discovery and trial schedule. Jury trial is on 5/20.

5/15: In CR2301442, trial confirmation continued by stipulation. 5/20 date vacated. Pre trial on 6/11 and 6/24; trial confirmation on 7/8; jury trial on 7/15. CR2302908B, assault & battery case is trailing the molestation case.

6/11: Ms. Sullivan said she received "numerous additional CAST interviews from parties unknown in the beginning with multiple additional allegations" and that she may have to file a motion to continue.

Deputy District Attorney Jessica Watson appeared for Deputy DA Whitney Timm who is currently in trial in the Steve Boudreaux alleged molestation case. TE 3 to 4 weeks with 3 alleged victims.

6/27: In CR2102505, defense motion to continue granted. 6/28 & 7/1 dates vacated. Trial confirmation on 9/19; jury trial 9/30. CR2302908A which is the co-defendant case with Lucas Russell  trailing.

7/8: Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm confirmed but people may file motion to continue at trial assignment which is on 7/12 if expert needs to be retained. Ms. Timm needs to review recent discovery provided by Ms. Andrea Sullivan. Time estimate 3 weeks. Jury trial currently scheduled for 7/15.

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