Dec 21, 2023

EPD & HCSO lose more experienced staff to DA and LE agencies; some EPD leaving specifically because of Brian Stephen's promotion


In the last few years, there continues to be an exodus of experienced, decent men and women leaving Eureka Police Department and Humboldt County Sheriff's office for other law enforcement agencies. Those who left and are leaving are men and women I have observed for years in the field, at the courthouse and community.

Former HCSO Deputy Joe Conlin went over to HSU PD, former HCSO Lt. Peter Cress is now at HSU PD Assistant Police Chief; former HCSO Sgt Greg Allen is Rio Dell Police Chief; Commander Greg Hill is now a DA Investigator, former EPD Detective Richard Bise is now a HCSO court bailiff and deputy.

More correctional officers and others from HCSO are headed to EPD since I did my post in November. Not all but several EPD officers are leaving because Assistant Chief Brian Stephens was promoted to Chief. There are pro and anti Stephens contingents at EPD. I wrote about that in my exclusive coverage about the text brouhaha. One of those posts was mentioned by the Sacramento Bee. Micromanagement, being written up and a lack of EPD administration having their backs is just part of the problem.

EPD Officer Andrew Endsley is heading over to HSU PD, EPD Officer Tim Marsolan is going over to the DAs office and HCSO Det. Danielle Vickman is also headed to the DAs office.

These are just two posts I have done on EPD and HCSO losing experienced and decent officers to other law enforcement agencies and the DA's office

Both experienced PIOS for EPD and HCSO left this year. Those positions have yet to be filled.

Miles, you are slacking, your precious LOCO; specifically Ryan Burns, is seeking out and interviewing current/former EPD employees to write a story about EPD Asst Chief Brian Stephens. In this town, the constant gossip, the backstabbers and no loyalty is more prevalent than weed. 

Asst Chief  Stephens and City of Eureka Manager Miles Slattery, you should thank me for letting you know about the ambush attack. What I am about to write next in this post is nothing compared to the skewed hit piece Lost Coast Outpost is planning to do; the anon comments that will follow will be worse. They can ignore Trevor Bohn's DUI arrest but going after Asst Chief Stephens is easy fodder to pacify their groupies and low risk. 

In my December 1 post on HCSO Lt. Sam Williams, I wrote, "If you think this is the only case where hanky panky has gone on between law enforcement, first responders, people involved in the court system sleeping with others; you would me mistaken. It is the same in political and business circles."

The paragraph below in that Dec 1 post pertains to EPD Assistant Chief Stephens. 

"Firearms and finding another man in bed and threats have been allegedly made in at least one other situation where the two men were both first responders and at least one allegedly had gun. But only one person mentioned that to me and no one else had heard about it so did it happen? I finally got confirmation from other sources and the details match my orginal source. All the sources said that one of the parties was EPD Assistant Chief Brian Stephens (soon to be EPD Police Chief) and "years ago he cheated on his wife with a dispatcher who was married to a fireman and that set back the relationship between the two departments for years." Allegedly, Stephens pulled a gun on the fireman. I say allegedly because while the affair has been mentioned by various sources; there are different versions circulating at EPD about Stephens allegedly pulling a gun on the fireman. Depending on who you talk the basics about the affair are the same but not everyone was at EPD when this supposedly happened while others were so was this alleged gun pointing by Stephens truth or embellishment? 

If the affair allegation isn't true, then Asst. Chief Stephens and Humboldt Bay Fire can put out a written statement and refute it on record.

Miles,you chewed out EPD officers and forbade them from talking to me, will you hold LOCO to the same standard? 

You forbade EPD officers to talk to me even in instances where you were wrong about how I got the information. And yet those who are snakes remain. 

Miles, I got an unverified tip two weeks ago from an anon claiming you had an alleged DUI and why it was not on the jail log? I asked for evidence, date and location. Never heard back. I can tell the difference between a legit tip and a trap. And this anon email came from someone who slipped up because they have emailed me before. It isn't the first time allegations about your drinking have been told to me and all those times, I asked for evidence. 

The former EPD officer who screwed up tonight is someone I treated him well and how did he repay me? He isn't even in Humboldt anymore but sent a message "accidentally" to me tonight. The message was partially about me mentioning LOCO and he was gleeful about what I said about EPD Asst Chief Stephens in this post. This ungrateful backstabber revealed his true colors. When I messaged him back, instead of apologizing, he tells me he still reads me almost daily, I do a good job but he doesn't see the relevance of me mentioning LOCO although he thinks and agrees LOCO "sucks." He clearly failed as an officer and he already betrayed his EPD family. This coward and his actions impacted the good EPD officers who suffered because of his arrogance and stupidity. Maybe he should keep his opinions to himself and focus on not being such a schmuck. 

I have not revealed this former EPD officer's identity. Let's see if he is one of the people interviewed for Ryan Burn's "article" on Asst Chief Stephens. Even if he is anonymous, I will know. Usually, one someone turns on me, it is because they were fake to begin with or because I did not allow them to use me for their agenda. Then they run to the many other local "media." 

Miles, I did check court records and all I found was your 2019 conviction for speeding. 

This anon email about your alleged drinking was similar to rumors printed in the defunct Tuluwat, an anon site which was read by less than a handful. There have been no posts for months and yet it is linked on LOCO. That anon hit site had unsubstantiated allegations about you and EPD Assistant Chief Stephens among other slander.

LOCO likes to list a lot of anon online junk no one reads or 3 or 4 people read. LOCO and other local sites who allow anonymous comments allow people like this former EPD officer and other Humboldt insiders with an agenda to comment anonymously with no consequences. It isn't about free speech but silencing speech. 10:02 p.m: Went to check on the link I wanted to post from Tuluwat and I get this ?

I still have some emails and screenshots of the slander and comments from Tuluwat. 

I do balanced coverage on law enforcement, write the positive but I also call LE out; when necessary. Unlike loser LOCO and NCJ who have destroyed many a decent officer's life and career for an agenda. I could name specific places and people where I met people when I started my blog who wanted me to do hit pieces in exchange for funding me and I could have had a fancy site like LOCO but I declined. Hit pieces on people I didn't even like. I said no because it is wrong and there were no facts to support what they asked. Not kow towing to the people I said no to then made it their mission that I pay or it financially & otherwise every single day.

Unlike Ryan Burns, I have multiple sources and avenues to find out information. People who don't have an agenda other than to benefit this community.  I don' t do once in a blue moon hit pieces on select law enforcement like LOCO and NCJ because no one besides the special interests and good ole boys who fund them and their dwindling 5 groupies cares about the crap they publish on a regular basis.  I leave attacking law enforcement to LOCO and NCJ's Thad who lack the ability to develop original content. 

I don't care what every loser in Humboldt thinks, especially those who are the problem and the negativity in this County.

How many of you have had your life threatened for getting out information others are too scared to use their names or speak about in public or had people go after your livelihood because you stand up for those who don't have a voice in this society or because you don't worship at the altar of Humboldt incompetence and stroke Humboldt egos?

That doesn't even scratch the surface of what this vile, thankless County has put me through. Others say how they truly feel after they have left Humboldt or vent privately to me; I will say it to your face because in 20 years, the same negative, unremorseful, miserable people continue to drain the strongest people while sitting idly and drinking or snorting to "cope." And they won't make amends because they have no morals or character. Those who react to my venting are guilty of gossiping, backstabbing and doing me wrong. The others with a clear conscience just won't read it. The EPD officers dissing me last night have an agenda and if they haven't left EPD; they should because they are a disgrace to the uniform.

The other fools in Humboldt who think they are using me and think by pitting LOCO and me against each other or any other group they want to diss for their agenda are just as dumb because they think I will never find out.  Humboldt crankiness is a symptom of dealing daily with the minority losers in charge of the courts,  the County, the good ole boys, certain law enforcement and locals who drag Humboldt into the mud and slime they are.

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