Oct 1, 2023

Rex has an issue with Gordon's PRA request about him and accuses his challenger of mudslinging and already costing the County $2000


Just received an email from Rex Bohn's challenger Gordon Clatworthy.

"Had a run in with Rex at the Ferndale Museum auction. Apparently the word is that I'm being mean and slinging rumors by my information request. Wanted to set the record straight. "

I called Gordon and spoke with him about the incident yesterday at the Ferndale Museum fundraiser. This isn't the first time Rex and Gordon have been at the same event.

Gordon was volunteering and one of the many people he met at the event was special guest Guy Fieri. Gordon did not want to mention he spoke with Guy and leave Guy's name out but I told him it was needed to explain what led up to the exchange between him and Rex. Guy and Gordon exchanged pleasantries.  Guy knows Rex but he was polite about Gordon running as a candidate. Adena, Rex's wife spoke to Guy and said Gordon was "mudslinging." Guy mentioned that to Gordon. Guy brought that up to Gordon. At the event, Gordon went over and spoke with Adena and explained why he made that request. Later Rex told Gordon that his request has already cost the County $2,000 and that there was nothing to find.

Here is the link to Gordon's website where he  responds in detail about why he requested this freedom of information act and remarks made to him by Rex.


For those who won't click on the link, here is are some excerpts about the Freedom of Information Act.

"I have also heard rumors about misconduct and had questions asked by people I don’t agree with, but as a candidate and as a member of the first district and citizen of the United States I acted on their behalf to find information with a freedom of information act request."

 "These FOIA requests are the protected, free, and legal rights of every American citizen. After my request I had some pushback from Supervisor Bohn who informed me that this request has already cost the county "$2,000" and “make him look bad” I now understand why people are hesitant to request the services of their government to better understand how decisions are being made for them. "

Elected officials should have no issues with being free and open to public scrutiny, as again, it is the public’s legal right. I believe requesting those records and having that much push back show that my opponent isn’t willing to let the law work for the people he is representing. That isn’t to say I believe that Rex Bohn is in any way a bad person, Rex is a shining member of the community who has time again stepped up to help when there’s a need and has done countless good things for a lot of the community. However, he doesn’t need to be an elected official to do so, or to volunteer. "

"I believe in a free press, to hold those in power accountable for their actions and have a free and open democracy for all. I have also seen how news stories about my FOIA have affected people I have previously worked with and made them suffer needlessly as a result of myself taking the lead on trying get information released."

"I would also like to say that these requests were in no way intended to harm Supervisor Bohn or his family, I’m sure he’s receiving his share of pushback as well."

Gordon is a political candidate and the statement on his website mirrors the decent human being based on my interactions with him unlike how he is being portrayed in a certain "media" outlet which receives a lot of advertising from the County, Rex's buddies including casinos owned by local tribes and and has minority ownership by a tribe. Ryan Sundberg, the Sundberg family and others affiliated with the three major casinos don't seem to have an issue  hobnobbing with Rexy who makes racist remarks and whose campaign teams included people like Storme Winter who made fun of Cheryl Seidner. Connie Stewart is willing to overlook Rex's shortcomings. Politics and money do makes strange bedfellows. 

All the disclaimers on a site mean nothing when you ask softball questions,  spin County talking points during election years and get the bulk of advertising, and allow insiders to spew whatever they want anonymously in your comment section which requires no accountability or consequences of having to prove unsubstantiated lies, gossip and shade. 

I doubt Rex will be professional enough to respond to me. He has opted not to speak with me since I have been calling him out and held him accountable and I am fine with that because I don't need to waste my time on immature, backstabbing, ungrateful people. I don't believe a word Rex says and don't need snark instead of information about this incident. Maybe Rex, Adena and Rex's cronies should star in their own product of Hamlet because I think they protest too much.

I think Rex's antics and behavior against former auditor controller Karen Paz Dominguez are fresh in people's minds. Rex has enough of other decades old local "media" presenting his side and the good ole boy sycophants like Ben Shepherd and others chiming in on his behalf in the anonymous cesspool that passes as a comment section in Humboldt with obvious insiders and people with agendas making sure the "discussion" is skewed. Humboldt locals and the good ole, git er done crowd have the nerve to describe a PRA request as mudslinging? Gossip, rumors, throwing shade is the art form certain locals have perfected. It is the Humboldt way to silence and intimidate. 

Rex, why the over top reaction by you, your wife and the usual attacks on Gordon or anyone asking for information if there is nothing? I won't even get into waste of County dollars. Anyone who reads my blog regularly or even in the last few months can call you out on waste of County dollars. You, your buddies, your funders aren't entitled to you having yet another term as career Supervisor. 

The public made up their own mind in the past when Rex said he didn't any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest when it involves his son or his good ole boy buddies. Does Rex have a trademark on there is nothing to see, nothing to find or is it available to all his good ole boy and gal buddies?

10/1: I have been getting feedback on the post. Rexy won't like it. As someone said, he is firmly entrenched, he has a lot of money, his cronies so why is he so concerned about this PRA?

Others brought up that Rex and Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell, better known to locals as "mini Rex"whine about PRA, media a lot. I have been at BOS meetings where Rex and Bushnell are the only Supervisors who whine about media and PRAs. This is just one example.


9:58: Bohn just threw a hissy fit about being called out in front of media "six times" and mentioned media, news source,"stuff flying out on the interweb"  at least four times in an hour and a half. In less than an hour this morning, Bohn had already mentioned media twice.

Rex, god forbid some of the local media do our jobs. We know the Humboldt connected would just prefer everyone do PR, not ask any tough questions and not cover you, the Humboldt connected, family and friends. 

Remember this incident, Michelle. 


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