Oct 6, 2023

4 CEQA petitions, a housing initiative, tons of money being wasted on the same battles waged for 20 years with the same agenda is not benefitting the people of Eureka


(Is this CBE's idea for a Better Eureka?)

In addition to the two previous CEQA petitions filed by Citizens for a Better Eureka, two more CEQA petitions were filed on 10/4 by CBE against City of Eureka. I had done a post recently with an update on one of the previous petitions and a letter sent about potential litigation. There is still no development on some petitions, finally a ruling for motion for relief from default in one petition in favor of CBE and an error in the summons sent out by Humboldt Superior Court for one of the petitions filed this week.

CV2300565 Citzens for a Better Eureka

8/25 motion for relief from default continued by stipulation

8/28 motion granted.

CV2300712 Citizens for a Better Eureka

Request for hearing entered on 7/24. No date still and I have been checking regularly.

If you read my last post, you know this from City of Eureka attorney Autumn Luna's response to me.  

CV2301562 Citizens for a Better Eureka v City of Eureka

Filed 10/4 ; summons from Humboldt Superior Court incorrectly states defendant as County of Humboldt

New summons issued 10/13 correcting defendant to City of Eureka

2/2/24 CMC vacated

I am not posting the entire filing.

CV2301563 Citizens for a Better Eureka v City of Eureka

Filed 10/4; no date.

I have been here for 20 years and the same old battles between those in power vs government or those in power vs the people are tiresome. Same people, same agendas and a ton of money being wasted. You can put lipstick on a pig but none of this is making Eureka great again or taking back Eureka. 

As someone anonymously commented online on another site, a bunch of names no one cares about or trusts anymore like Frank Jager or Nancy Flemming and a bunch of City Council candidates who lost and are bitter like John Fullerton and Michelle Costantine can stomp their feet all they want but there is a reason a certain group does not control Eureka City Hall anymore and has lost elections.They only have to take a look in the mirror and those around them. 

As someone anonymously pointed out on that other site, Michelle and her husband have a vested interest. I don't know about their properties but Shane Blackwell's dad has several and has rented to "those low income people" and like many Eureka and Humboldt conservatives and their progeny, Shane bad mouths those people when he and others like him were raised with money from the welfare checks, subsidies and the hard earned money "those people" were charged by the Eureka overlords. The residential and commercial rents in this area do not match the income potential and are exorbitant for the substandard, mold, pest infested rentals people are forced to settle because of the housing crisis created by everyone who profits from it and that includes the slumlords, non profits, government and 'I got mine"  property owners and fake religious zealots. The natural beauty does not compensate for the ugliness and greediness that is seeped in  Humboldtia slime.

These same generational locals are conservatives in name only. Real leaders lift others, not kick them into poverty. Many other local conservatives who  are decent people are now struggling not because of "the libs" but their rich fake fellow conservatives and their selfishness. So many people want to be seen and keep up with the Arkleys, Schneiders, Barnums and Piersons yet constantly gossip behind their backs. 

Many hard working Americans in Humboldt struggle to feed their families, maintain their businesses; some putting off marriage and being parents because their fellow conservatives have driven them to poverty. Loyalty, gratitude and decency are not values the Ingomar crowd and the hanger ons like the Fullertons and many others  possess. Unlike many of you, I chose to politely decline invites to the Arkley Christmas party in the last few years and eventually knew the message got across. I did end up sharing privately with the Arkleys that I couldnt stand watching all the fakers and users fawn around them and while I appreciated the thought, my life was on a different path than them and others who attend those events.

Even when I was around some of the people I no longer associate with, I was well aware I was not in their inner clique. I used to think at one time these people cared about the community and we had common goals. It amuses me to see the Fullertons, the Costantine-Blackwells and others think they are now hanging with the in crowd. 

John Fullerton's office is in a house. How many parking spaces do his employees and he himself use in the City parking lot on 3rd and I? This in addition to any parking on the sidewalk. Ray Conti uses the same parking lot to just park cars for his auto shop that he is working on or not for days. John Fullerton and Ray Conti don't pay the City of Eureka for that space. If they do, show me the receipts and since when? I did previous posts about this years ago. John Fullerton, like many of the good ole boys, uses a house as his office. Many of the peitioners in CBE feel entitled to parking spots at the expense of other businesses and residential customers. Every CBE petitioner has a vested interest, has subsidized parking by the taxpayers and/or is contributing to the lack of residential housing. Pay back the City of Eureka and the taxpayers first for all the free parking the two of you use before any discussion on this lawsuit. Private property owners say they can use their property however they like; so can the City of Eureka.

I spoke with Eureka City Manager Miles Slattery and in response to my questions, he said, "We do own parking lots on 2nd and H and 3rd and I. They currently have no meters, but that is changing soon. We have no leases for spaces with businesses or individuals at either of these City owned lots."

There are a couple names in the original CBE petition like Sondra Kirtley who I respect. A hardworking, local small business owner who built her business from scratch. Sondra employs local people, keeps them working, works hard seven days a week and treats her employees and customers with  dignity. That is the American dream; the Humboldt dream.

A couple of petitions is one thing but 4 petititions and a housing initiative? The money Bradley Johnson is making for his error filled filings and the cost of this misleading housing for all campaign could be put to better use. I am not a CEQA expert or a lawyer but even with some basic research, I know these lawsuits are more of a delay tactic and the chance of CBE winning in court is slim. 

My concerns  have been shared privately with certain people involved with these efforts but they have been brushed off. 

You all keep listening  to the echo chambers of the Ingomar clique and KINS. That has worked so well for you in the past elections. How many times are recycled  loser candidates like Mike Newman, John Fullerton, Joe Bonino going to be funded by the same few names ?

To those who have and will again gossip, try and bad mouth me behind my back again after this post and retaliate for my independent reporting; I  speak for all the people who are afraid to voice how they feel because they see the consequences, the smears against me and anyone who stands up to the Humboldt arrogance and hubris. These people vote, they spend money and they are well aware of the Humboldt way and who watches out for the people. 

I know you attack me for speaking truth inconvenient to your egos. You all are predictable. You bad mouth, back stab and turn on each other. That doesn't bode well for credibility. Allan Dollison reminded people of the Arkley and Grushkin debacle Lost Coast Outpost wrote about years ago in a LOCO comment. That is so typical Humboldt.

All your money and all your lawyers cannot buy  trust and loyalty. More people are on to your tactics. You all will never apologize or to accept responsibility for your actions.

One of the reasons the initiative got the amount of signatures it did was because the opposition wrote op-eds and had them published on sites frequented by a small group of dwindling readers consisting of a few and mostly political and government insiders. The average Eureka resident is too busy making a living, taking care of children and not reading sites funded by the Humboldt entrenched. No one has time to read some lengthy op-ed written by the Colin Fiskes that doesn't speak to their reality and is written in CalPoly HSUspeak.

Eureka Housing For All took the petition gathering to the streets one on one. People get their local news from smaller, independent sources and people they trust. If the  opposition group of housing advocates wants to follow the same failed strategy, the initiative will pass in 2024.

Even if this housing initiative passes in 2024, there are elections for other positions next year which will determine the balance of power in Humboldt. Just like those of you make a choice where you invest your money, voters have the same choice and should make the choice that works for their best interests.Those of you behind these initiative and petitions are only watching out for yourselves; why shouldn't the rest of us?

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