Oct 3, 2023

Juan Pablo changes minds on the right and left , Rex snarks but supports Juan, Gordon sole dissenter on AB1416 resolution at today's meeting


Humboldt County Clerk, Recorder & Registrar of Voters Juan Pablo Cervantes managed to get all five Board of Supervisors, Kent Sawatzky and Hollie Klingel to agree on the same item. It passed with all 5 Supervisors voting yes. Third District Supervisor Mike Wilson made the motion. Second District Bushnell was the second for the motion. It passed with an option of a time limit that was offered to the Supervisors and staff has discretion to bring it back in a year and whether that should be before the November 24 election. This new change is being tested for the first time for the March 5, 2025 election.

Gordon, you are free to have your opinion but you should read the room better. Your opponent, Rex did. 

You expressed yourself respectfully unlike your opponent and unlike Rex, I know that you care about the people and are an asset to Humboldt. People should take the time to talk and get to know you. Regardless of the election, there are people who work to better the community and there are others who prey and profit from the status quo.

In a healthy democracy, we don't have to agree on everything. Both the state League of Voters and you should reconsider your initial positions.  

Rex gets no credit because he reluctantly supported the resolution and snarked as he typically does when things don't go his way.  Rex always uses his time at these BOS meetings to try and show off and just comes off as the pompous jerk he is except to his family, supporters and funders who like him for what he does for them. Bushnell was pleasant for change and her questions were fine.

Juan gave an excellent presentation which started around 11:18. The video will be available later for viewing. Juan gave specifics about why he brought this resolution forward. 

AB 1416 is what was being discussed. The list of supporters has a 125 character limit. Juan does not want to be in the position to pick and chose whose names should be on the ballot. There would be additional printing costs. Election Code 1970 allows the option to opt out of listing supporters. The information is already on the voter guide. The list would increase the length of the ballot. In Humboldt County, a two page ballot could be 3 pages long and this could lead to "undervoting."  The ballot is lengthy enough and another poor decision by California legislature. 

Juan reached out to his peers. "They are supportive of us opting out." Several counties have and are in the process of opting out. Juan also contacted the local League of Voters. They have not taken any position.

Thank you Juan for stating how difficult that is for voters with jobs, children and voters who do not have the luxury of one job, taking time off work and people who work non traditional hours. Rex and his MAGA buddies don't care about democracy or voter turnout because the status quo works for them. Not everyone can afford nannies or have someone else to care for their children or miss even a few hours of work thanks to the economic environment and lack of housing created for most of Humboldt by good ole boys who want Rexy for another term.

(Rex during another part of the meeting, then he walked off for a bit)

Rex, you look bored. Maybe opt out of another term and let someone else who doesn't take the job for granted be there for the people; not the Humboldt selfish and boorish one percent.  Unlike you Rex, Juan is watching out for taxpayer dollars. Unlike the usual dog and pony shows at these meetings, Juan's presentation was focused and did not drag on for hours because he came well prepared and with relevant information.

We know how much you dislike transparency and accountability of taxpayer money Rex unless you use it to diss someone you and your buddies want out of your way . Your "gentleman friends" and the Humboldt Fair are just two examples of waste of taxpayer dollars. So are the lawsuits against the County while you have been on the board which are due to the incompetence of your cronies entrenched at the County and poor employment decisions made at the County. 

(Gordon Clatworthy speaking on the Shelter Cove item on the agenda)

Kent is out of the country at the moment but appeared on Zoom for his usual public comment time.

What I am more interested in is names of endorsers and supporters for the three Board of Supervisor and the two Humboldt Supervisor Judge positions on March 5, 2024 ballot. They can be on a website, Facebook page or a brochure and any other option easily available to the public.

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