Sep 13, 2022

Investigation of Humboldt court mediator involves photos

Humboldt Superior Court's family mediator Joseph Hale was arrested on June 29 for PC 647(j) (2) criminal invasion of privacy.  Hale previously worked for CWS.

The DA's office is investigating and two and a half months later, there is still no report. The report is almost done and I said something to DA Investigator Ryan Hill yesterday about how long this report is taking.  I asked DA Investigator Hill because he is the investigator at the Humboldt County DA's office handling cases involving alleged sexual crimes.

I am not going to say anything more except that photos were involved and that the source/sources are not the DA's office.

I have known about the photos for a while and have been waiting for the DA's report to be completed. In any other case, investigation is ongoing. Why is the DA dragging this report? There have been crickets from the Humboldt Superior Court administration. Given Hale's position and access to vulnerable women and children, this report should be a priority. I hope the Court administration is staying out of it and letting the DA's office do their job.

647j PC is the California Penal Code section that makes it a crime for a person unlawfully to invade someone else’s privacy. A conviction is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1000.00.

There are three ways a person can incur invasion of privacy charges:

  • by using a device (like binoculars) to view someone inside a private room
  • by secretly photographing or recording a person’s body under the clothing for sexual arousal, or
  • by secretly recording or photographing someone in a private room to view that person’s body.

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