Oct 9, 2020

Transient release for Joshua Cooley denied at this time

Public comment hearing for sexually violent predator Joshua Cooley was scheduled for October 9. Next court hearing is November 20.

No placement found, yet. They are going neighborhood to neighborhood.

Defense is pushing for transient release saying it has been four years. I am the only one covering this regularly and there is no point if the public, law enforcement is just going to ignore this, as well as other media. Instead of only showing up in reaction, if you don't want Cooley in this community, then it is time to put in some time and effort.

Once there is no interest, Cooley will be released and most likely in Eureka. 

There are no minutes or access to this court hearing if you miss the hearing. It is not easy to cover this case with multiple court hearings. It is not easy to cover multiple court cases, especially during COVID 19 with limited access.

I am working on some different options and certain exclusive content from my blog will only available to subscribers  and patrons. There will be other incentives. 

I will continue to provide news on the blog but I have warned changes are coming.

There are people who take my time and effort for granted, think my  time is free and people who think I am going to just provide them free research and follow up with one on one updates. These aren't my regular readers and are not loyal followers.

Pick up the phone, go to the courthouse, watch livrstream. If you want research, one on one updates and "extra" services other than the free news and community service, I provide, you need to pay for it.

I have expenses and I don't have corporate funding or special interest funders. 

No one else covered Hearst, this hearing, the Mark Dare case and many other cases. I don't look the other way and ignore news. I dont do news by just emailing attorneys and PIOs.

I am also not here for the unprofessional local media that uses me for tips, consistently follows up on news report first and despite this blog being copyrighted, "helps" themselves to material I work for.

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  1. I guess my calls to friends in San Diego County help stop the placement there.

    1. Jim, it probably did. This guy should never have been granted release from the hospital but that is what happens when no one is paying attention.


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