Oct 20, 2020

DNA from duct tape to be tested by DOJ in Ryan Tanner's case


Murder suspect Ryan Tanner's preliminary hearing is set for "time certain" on October 29. Time estimate is still four days.

However, there were two things stated by Mr. Russ Clanton that sounds like a continuance could be a possibility.

Deputy District Attorney Jessica Acosta appeared in court today for Deputy DA Whitney Timm who is the prosecutor for this case.

Ms. Timm has reached out to counsel for potential winesses. They still have to meet with their clients. These issues arose on Friday and yesterday and that led to the resetting of the preliminary hearing. Mr. Clanton said he hopes any outstanding issues will be adressed prior to October 29 so there is not a defacto motion to continue by attorneys representing these potential witnesses.

The DOJ will be testing DNA on a piece of duct tape this Friday. "All the DNA will be consumed by this test," said Mr. Clanton.

Mr. Clanton said, "I was notified by counsel to her credit." He added this is a "lifetop case" and the DNA is material to the case. Mr. Clanton would have liked to have his expert at the testing but cannot at such short notice. 

Mr. Clanton asked Ms. Timm if the process could be videotaped. She told him that would be "unlikely." Ms. Timm checked with the DOJ and videotaping is against their policy.

Ms. Timm and Mr. Clanton are working on options.

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