Oct 29, 2020

Woke local media ignores Coleman case and crickets from NAACP and black activists

LOCO and TS who did scant coverage of the Demetrius Coleman case, baled on covering the defense case. Nothing new. They do that with other cases and trials; cover a random hearing here or there.

LOCO and TS have multiple staffers yet they chose to only cover the Ryan Tanner preliminary today. 

The other local media ignored this case. One black man dead. Another facing life and arrested by a sloppy department who cannot even follow up on leads from witnesses. A pregnant woman of color threatened her children would be taken away. Just book and arrest the most convenient suspect but let the white friends of the Sgt get a pass? There is a lot more to the shooting of Johnny Renfro. 

No vigils, no outrage, no protests, no Facebook pages this time. Wouldn't want to piss off the DA's office. Need to be good so you can email for quotes and case information and pass it off as court coverage instead of putting in actual work. Wouldn't want to take on law enforcement if there is nothing in it for you. It's too much work to sit through weeks of an all day trial. 

Black lives only matter when convenient? People of color only matter when it is convenient?

Haven't heard anything from the local NAACP for a long time. Not even a GOTV. What do they do?

Haven't seen Thad or any other media cover the economic impact of COVID 19 on people of color and immigrants. Or an article on evictions? Or HCDTF stats for arrests of white people compared to people of color. Just look at the HCDTF press releases. No real investigative journalism from the once a week, once a month "journalists."


  1. There isn't one person of color in court room with Coleman

    1. All our Judges are white, there are very few deputies of color and very rare to see them as court bailiffs. Even less diversity among court clerks but different clerks have different assignments and courtrooms. If the entire jury is white, I can only hope they follow the law, the lack of evidence and are not racist like Mariah Acosta who cannot understand black people talking. The woke local media are a joke doing the bidding of their publishers and owners and colecting a paycheck
      The black and people of color activists who always being hailed by the same media are all about self promotion. If they gave a damn about racism, corruption, police brutality, their actions would be different.

  2. Yeah... they'd go get those jobs! ;)


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