Apr 2, 2022

The applicant in the Bushnell incident is Thomas Harwood


The information on who the applicant is in the complaint filed by County Planner against Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell is included in the timeline. Thomas Harwood made the headlines in 2020.

Lost Coast Outpost did include a link to that timeline but why did they leave Harwood's name or the agent's name and the Supervising Planner's name out? The documents are on the agenda for anyone to access.

So is there a reason Harwood's name was left out in the LOCO article? Is there a reason Jasmine Holmgren's name as the agent was left out by LOCO or Diana Totten's name in connection with Bootleg permit?

If you read the names in the documents it will be interesting to see what information LOCO and other media covering this special meeting and any subsequent coverage include and do not include.

Supervisor Bushnell's  behavior does not surprise me based on my own interactions and observations but there are politics involved in certain news tips. I got "anonymous" information sent to me before Bushnell was elected. I  did not publish it because when I tried to verify what was sent the court records and my research didn't match with what was mailed to me.

If we are going to talk about conflicts of interest in a small town, then local media  who are owned or funded or supported and have any connections with certain people, businesses, growers, casinos who are the Humboldt Connected need to look in the mirror. The few savvy readers need to continue speaking up about selective coverage and political targeting and harassment of those holding the Humboldt Connected accountable.

How Supervisor Bushnell behaved happens daily in Humboldt politics, Humboldt business and Humboldt life. A new name won't change anything until the "Humboldt way" is not the norm. The locals and others who attack anyone speaking the truth and reality about this county are the biggest reason Humboldt lacks growth, accountability and transparency. Instead of the knee jerk reaction of telling others to move, maybe the ones who need to leave are those who do nothing. They want no change and keep Humboldt mired in the muck. The status quo benefits their selfishness and greed.

At 3:50 p.m. today, there was this comment on LOCO.

Other comment about selective enforcement and coruuption and other issues in Humboldt County  I have mentioned for years and months are mentioned anonymously by others.

People like to comment anonymously. Just because you see comments on certain local sites, it doesn't mean the readers got the information from that site or only that site. Comments don't mean anything. 

There are people who gather information from a variety of sources, have had personal experiences and evaluate information is presented to them. 

Few sites just have the same three or four groupies commenting. Regular "moderators", "trolls" and "groupies" who often are the only commenters and shut down, silence and attack certain people. 

The same people don't bother to read other media and they ask questions which have been answered where there is better and more complete information.

Related posts on Harwood:







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