Oct 4, 2020

HSU Men’s Basketball Coach Tae Norwood stopped by CHP yesterday on suspicion of a DUI


Humboldt State University learned earlier today that Men’s Basketball Coach Tae Norwood was stopped by California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Arcata last night on suspicion of driving under the influence. 

Coach Norwood has apologized to his team and has released a statement. He also apologized to the University community and has decided to take some time away from his coaching duties. HSU has high standards for the Athletics program and coaches, who are role models for our student-athletes and many others.

The University awaits the full details of the incident and is working with CHP to gather additional information. HSU is taking this matter very seriously and will address any additional measures that are needed. 

“I am disappointed in the situation but I respect Coach Norwood. I am not surprised that he expressed regret about his lack of judgment in this incident,” says HSU Athletics Director Jane Teixeira. “He expressed to me his desire to learn from this matter and move forward as a better leader for the young men in the Basketball program. I believe this will be a teachable moment and I support Tae taking time to reflect on what happened.”

At this time, Teixeira indicated coaching duties will be handled by the men’s basketball coaching staff during Norwood’s time away. The team has been practicing on a limited basis due to the pandemic and will continue doing so during Norwood’s absence. 

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