Aug 9, 2023

Jake Combs trial continued due to a medical reason for 7 days


The Jake Combs homicide trial was continued until August 14 for medical reasons due to a contagious medical illness involving someone in the trial. Courtroom 2 is still open today to hear other cases with the same Judge and bailiff.

Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell was in the courtroom Monday. Will she follow up with the Sheriff William Honsal, the jail and courts to see why the community,  her constituents from Alderpoint and fellow Supervisors could now be at risk? This is a matter of public health and safety. 

Whoever dropped the ball should apologize to Trevor Earley's family and all of us jeopardized. When was the court made aware that Combs was in quarantine? It seems that the Judge Kaleb Cockrum  was only informed yesterday about the quarantine status. Even if Combs was not in the courtroom yesterday, we don't know when Combs was placed in quarantine. There were so many of us in a packed courtroom with Combs on Monday. That information is crucial because that person or persons have also put this trial continuing at potential risk.

I covered another preliminary when a defendant was in quarantine. The court delayed the hearing  until he was masked and precautions were taken in the courtroom. That courtroom was not packed with people and was a larger courtroom. 

This is another issue that the most of the local media and the brown noser enablers of Bushnell, Rex Bohn and Honsal and anti vaxxers will ignore. Did COVID 19 come from the jail or from the community into the courtroom? COVID is on the rise with local retail and hospitality workers getting sick. It is summer and there are lot of events drawing in crowds who do not live in Humboldt. There is only one other local media source who I am aware is doing a follow up about after this post. Let's see what response that media source gets a response from Sheriff Honsal. 

Do the good ole boys, the trolls, the haters and anti vaxxers want to pay my bills and compensate anyone else whose income is  affected if they cannot work? I didn't think so. You all are too busy gossiping, slandering, retaliating and trying to silence decent people and anyone actually doing anything that benefits this community.

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