Jan 31, 2023

Rex, Gary Landergen and the Humboldt good ole boys and gals who enable their inappropriate behavior


(Rex at the BOS meetimg today)

If you want to watch the video of today's Board of Supervisor's meeting including the part where First District Supervisor Rex Bohn gave what should be known as the "Bongio apology" for yet another inappropriate remark as well watch for yourself Fourth District Supervisor Natalie Arroyo complete remarks and a letter from a constituent about what led to this half baked effort from Rex, here is the link.


Will this change anything or Rex's behavior? Not even when pigs fly. Rex wasn't his boisterous self for the entire BOS meeting today. All that mea culpa and a few hours later, Rex is back among his people blathering on Facebook with his disingenuous signature phrase that plays to the Humboldt in denial crowd.

That did not last long. The Facebook post above is three hours ago.

This  comment from Kimberly Robertson is on the Facebook post from 3 hours ago. Good question Rex. You live at the Courthouse, at events, and most of your social media pictures don't include your wife. How much time do you spend with Adena?

Rex did not change after the tamales joke. He "apologized." Rex won't change now after the inappropriate Eureka Chamber of Commerce remark. He "apologized." Is it an apology if you only say it because you got called out.

Rex does not have to change. He has his defenders in his Wild Wild West buddies lamenting what is basic human respect and whining about "sensitive folks" changing the good ole days.

If Rex was serious about his apology, his behavior would change. This could start with him not forcing his female employees at the BOS to eat lunch and hang out with him and be subjected to feeding his ego and laughing at his lame jokes. It is force because they can't exactly say no to hanging out with you Rex. You are their boss.

Afer your remark to a local businesswoman three days ago, your attitude and behavior needs to be called out. These are not one time mistakes. 

There are many in Humboldt who think Rex does no wrong. Instead of acknowleding the issue with the overwheming disgusting excuses for men like Rex in Humboldt, they will blindly support Rex to "own the libs." Others privately diss Rex but he benefits them, so in public, they will say whatever depending on who they are with. 

I already knew who the female business owner was and like Supervisor Arroyo and Leila Roberts didn't  divulge her identity.  Lost Coast Outpost and North Coast Journal chose to share enough details which made it possible for anyone to figure out her name and business.

All day long, the two guys who came with Gary Landergen for his preliminary hearing were guffawing and drawing attention with their overtop chauvinist behavior.

Obviously Landergen's pals think the problem is anyone who believed the three female students. After the hearing concluded, their jubilant behavior would make it seem like all charges were dismissed. They were not. 

Months of Landergen's preliminary hearing being delayed and the good ole Humboldt boys who would never impact how an investigation is conducted or who will speak up. Maybe Fortuna needs to focus on the number of arrests for child molestation in the last two years and the number of school teachers arrested in in the last several years.

Fifth District Supervisor took responsibility, again, for a past remark. I was the first to report and write about that incident. Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell whined, complained and defended Rex. She had been called out for her behavior against a staff member. Tattle tale, go to the individual first is Humboldt code for sweep under the rug and silence the complaining party. 

Humboldt needs more than new leadership in just the First District. The Bohns, Bongios, Bushnells are an embarassment. The money behind them is the problem.Humboldt deserves leaders who move Humboldt forward and realize the full potential of this community. Not nth generation entitled talentless fools who have kept Humboldt stuck in the 1800s.

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