Jan 4, 2023

PG &E wants people without power to watch their PR video


Meanwhile Rexy and Mike McGuire aren't all over social media providing any information we can't find ourselves. Humboldt County Sheriff's Office and Humboldt Public Works are doing a great job keeping people informed. Signing up for alerts and checking information yourself keeps you in the loop.

Once again, like the earthquake, tree sub contractors are here in Humboldt but not the rest of the PG & crew and that is one reason restoration is estimated. Once again, the funky grid that provides power to Target and nearby areas  and parts of Myrtletown is out but other areas in Eureka are not. How many of the 3,000 + crew are in Humboldt?

There are a lot of storms and the workers are not the problem. It is PG & E management. Their top executives and consultants get paid well. When I lived in Old Town, I saw first hand then how they partied and spent money like water. It is the same now. Don't send out press releases about mobilizations and being prepared but not deliver on the ground. Even if power comes back, PG & E crews out and about are cautioning people there could be more outages. The workers do a better job than fake Humboldt officials and PG & E spokespersons.

Who is going to compensate hotels, restaurants,  small businesses, individuals in Humboldt who didn't inherit daddy's nth generation Humboldt business or people not guaranteed a government paycheck whether they work or not for yet another power outage in two weeks?
Weather is not something you can control. Lack of accountability and poor leadership repeatedly for the last several years, including unnecessary COVID related closures is on California government and elected officials.

There is plenty of money in this town from those nth generational folks Rexy appoints on the Planning Commission, the churches, the Elks and Mason who never donate generators or set up charging stations or provide relief. These selfish people are too busy watching out for themselves as they have for decades. 

Maybe Alan Bongio et al could actually volunteer today outside their clique instead of just bragging about how much they do for the community. Cheap Scrooges who never help anyone despite the fact that their earnings are made on the backs of those who don't play the Humboldt game.

Around 1:45 Rexy posted and is making apologies for PG & E. 

"There are close to 15,000 without power and it is going to fluctuate PGE is busting their tails but this storm is all the way to the central coast so extra help is tough but they are here helping..."

Sure Rex, we know Central Coast gets priority over Humboldt. You are useless. You and all Humboldt elected officials have no pull in the state except ingratiating yourself to PG & E and your buddies. If everyone without power could just hang out at the Courthouse where it is warm and conduct business and get paid every time there is a power outage, we'd be fine. It has been year after a year of hardship and your bank account is not affected.

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