Aug 29, 2019

"In the era of Trumpikins, who uses the media as a punching bag and calls whatever coverage he does not like 'fake news', people seem to be confused about what reporting means."

When I first started covering court cases, there were victims, families that despite their pain and horrendous tragedy and delays appreciated the support, the regular coverage and conducted themselves with dignity.

In the last few years, more and more cases have Humboldt drama, people who only see their side and think that is what should be reported. Your opinion is not news. Your unverified allegations are not news.

My contact information is easily accessible as am I. People know who I am. That doesn't give people license to verbally abuse or harass me. In the era of Trumpikins, who uses the media as a punching bag and calls whatever coverage he does not like "fake news", people seem to be confused about what reporting means.

Court reporting is exhausting and and time consuming. I am over having the little time I have to relax wasted on people like Angela Hearn when there are 100s of other emails and messages from people who need help, are appreciative and have boundaries.

To be fair, one of the parents of one of the Jane Does in the Hearn case also crossed the line and had to be blocked from contacting me. To the few who are like Angela Hearn, reporting is not your opinion, not your version of what happened, it is facts that are verified.

I am not your lawyer, your therapist, your punching bag nor is your case  the only one I am covering. You are not paying for my time.  Take your drama and demands elsewhere.

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