Aug 29, 2019

"I report on facts in court. Not unverified claims by biased parties making allegations without evidence."

My response to Angela Hearn:

I report on facts in court. Not unverified claims by biased parties making allegations without evidence.

I will be glad to publish the entire comment you sent me with your name the disclaimer above.

Angela Hearn's email:

"Maybe you should report all the facts Concerning James Arron Hearn Jr.

On His sons birthday his step daughter Hailey was caught with a man in her bedroom. My brother confronted the man and made him leave telling his step daughter that the relationship was unacceptable. Hailey became enraged and threatened to ruin her step parents life by any means neccessary. The DA withheld the evidence on his phone of threats made by Hailey because her step father dared to protect her from a grown man taking advantage of her. She threatened to make false allegations against James and even threatened to kill him if he didnt leave her mom so she could do what she wants without parental control.

Hailey after lying to police and getting an innocent man locked up went on to date an 18 year old. the DA neclectef these facts and with only hearsay imprisoned James. James has never been in trouble, he had always protected his sisters and was even there for Hailey when she accused another boy of assaulting her which we now believe was a lie. The family is known for threatening false allegations against men to get their way and the DA in charge of the case is corrupt and railroads innocent people to look good for re-election.

If you want to report you should reach out for all the facts. The DA with held evidence that Hailey intentionally lied about the allegations against James and unjustly imprisoned him on baseless information. Everyone but the Da and the accuser know James is innocent. So called friends even know and have heard Hailey claim she lied on him because he made her mad but won't come forward because they dont want to get involved. If you ever meet one of them, I reccomend if your Male with a good income, you run as far and as fast as you can. My brother is serving time because a teenager got mad she was parented and chose to ruin a mans life so she could date grown men. And where is the DA on that? To busy sending innocent people to prison on baseless unfounded zero evidence bull hockey to look good. California really needs to fix the corruption in their judicial system and get rid of their corrupt DA with serious feminazi man hating bias. Just because she said it happened doesn't mean it happened. Women and girls lie sometimes and as much as we hope justice will prevail with the truth it seems California loves to hide the truth and the DA loves to withhold evidence that proves innocents from the courts even going as far as to fight to prevent an appeal she knows would exonerate James AAron Hearn Jr.

Note: There are multiple victims in this case. Angela Hearn conveniently ignores that fact.

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