Jul 12, 2021

People are getting wise to this guy

When you have the same, unimaginative sign for years; when people get wise to you and your buddies who take shifts between Target and this corner on 3rd and V; no one stops to offer you change. Your need for a beer is not a basic neccesity.

If the City of Eureka is serious about supporting hospitality and tourism, maybe weed businesses every other block on 2nd street, a methadone clinic on 3rd street and contacting the owner of that trashy trailer park on the 3rd street should be a priority. 

If you work in the area, walk around town or like most of Humboldt, have been to Target, at least twice in the last two months; you have seen this guy and the ugly, stinking abandoned RV that parks for days on 3rd Street. The RV parks between the trailer park and Target. Different cars on different days with people darting in and out of that RV.

Several people have noticed the same four or five people begging near this section on 3rd street. Several people have seen the same RV in the same spot for days. Fights between the people with the same signs over territory and the guy in the picture above hoping some new sucker will drop change.

Walking or driving around Eureka is depressing. It has continued to become worse year after year.

I used to think some of the people pushing shopping carts, standing on the street, had no place to go. Then you find out from locals that is not the case. There used to be a guy that every gas station employee on Broadway knew had a home. He just went dumpster diving for his habit.

EPD patrols this area on third street regularly. With the Ninth Circuit, California laws and enablers of these scam artists, there is not much they can do.

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