Feb 18, 2021

Your arrogance and incompetence have impacts on people's lives and freedom and income, if you don't care, why should we?

Convicted human trafficker David Anderson had a hearing this morning. In a different courtroom than usual. How many people had the correct information? 

Often, I am the one who goes through a lot of effort and time to get that correct information. No more. Certainly not for the people who disrespect, devalue and take me for granted.

The David Anderson case was called in Courtroom 3  today.  It was a last minute courtroom change. I checked on it yesterday  and the online calendar also had it listed in Courtroom 1 and by the time I found out where the hearing was scheduled, it was too late. I have brought this to the attention of the Humboldt Court Operations manager because it has happened more than once and due to the pandemic closures, I cannot just walk and check the courtrooms.  

I know the reasons why there are constant issues in Humboldt Superior Court and anywhere else in Humboldt. I don't care why.  The people in charge who can fix  ignore it because they can. People like Public Health, politicians, department heads, government administration are all overpaid by taxpayers and didn't suffer any income loss during this pandemic. 

People who don't give a damn about other people's lives, incomes and businesses being impacted by their inaction. Private industry is not perfect but government and courts in this county and country are out of control, drunk with power and there is no accountability.  The pandemic has heightened this abuse of power.

Democrats and Republicans don't care to fix anything because they profit and gain power from dysfunction. It took the pandemic for some to finally realize what others have endured for decades. Yet, many continue to invest and fund in the same people who screw them over on a daily basis. Don't complain if you make bad investments.

I reported first about a plea in the David Anderson case, with details.  The follow up later by other media is typical of the many exclusives I break; they just follow up without putting in the work for an original news story. Just like they benefit from all the livestream issues and court improvements and other news that I put in effort for or get fixed. Local media, local Facebook groups and others just helping themselves to someone else's hard work for free. People now know how to navigate and research courts, the jail logs, get information because I showed them how. Other media stalking my blog, Facebook page, Twitter account and trying to copy what I do. Other media helping themselves to information I worked hard to get and think I am their unpaid tipster.

I have had coverage out on local, regional, national news before local, regional, national news outlets. It isn't my fault if you don't follow or read me live or regularly. I see Bill Maher or others on national networks and cable shows make the same points and give the same opinions I did months and years ago. If you don't have a problem with that content and you financially support them; then don't have a double standard for me. 

Don't give me the bs about Humboldt supporting local businesses, diversity or any of that other crap you espouse in Humboldt. Many of you don't support in action; just empty words.

There were several cases all on at the same time this morning and all day. I will have updates post as I do daily despite many challenges. I work from morning, through lunch, through dinner until the night because I take pride in facts, details and accuracy.

The laziness and incompetence of the Public Health, government and others making easy money continues to grow.

All this has a direct impact on my finances, health and life as it does for others. We should not have to suffer and have our lives impacted due to the fault of selfish, petty, corrupt government, politicians and private citizens who cannot do their job and organize efficiently in a pandemic.

Today was yet another morning with more than the usual share of issues with the courts at a time that direct access to information and the second floor is being denied. COVID 19 is being used as an excuse to cover up the usual incompetence and mismanagement in Humboldt and all over the country. It is a convenient way for those who are not in the private sector to conduct "business as usual."

I work from morning to night, 24/7 and I work hard. How many of you understand or get the value of live coverage with complex issues done by one person? Most of you do but the fact is you don't care and most of you are to cheap to pay. You don't value hard work or true journalism or give a damn about anyone but yourself.

For those who appreciate and support me, thank you. Others you can become a subscriber or patron. If you have special requests and want individual updates; pay for my time. Do you work for free? 

For those of you who take me for granted and are the most demanding ones, get your information wherever you want but don't email, call or ask me for anything beyond the free, detailed, accurate information that you and everyone have benefitted from and have daily for years. 

Courtrooms moved last minute, court running late, court tech having hands full fixing issues that not tech's fault. We live in a rural area that is too expensive and still doesn't have equipment or infrastructure to support an economy, especially a virtual one. We have idiots swooning over politicians with feel good, fluff messages raking in money for their family and cronies while the rest of us keep burning through our savings and investments.

We have a lot of local media supported and funded by casinos, businesses and some by county supported ads. Conflicts of interests have always existed here and have been ignored unless someone wants to make it an issue for a hidden agenda.

We have government employees collecting a paycheck from taxpayers while pretending to be "news sources" Regurgitating other people's work and cutting into a very small pool of advertising revenue. What many locals think  is "news" is the biased, unverified gossip or a photo or post on their friend's Facebook page or private online clique or group.

Any valid criticism of Humboldt has locals frothing at the mouth. Deal with it. You are being called out for what exists. 

Some local attorneys are out of the office for valid reasons. Others like Deputy Public Defender Luke Brownfield are out of the office more often than they are at work. He really should be paid part time or only when he is there. Who picks up the slack? His co workers who are already overburdened and COVID 19 restrictions have made every one's schedule more impacted and difficult. 

Where is Public Defender Marek Reavis when the office is short staffed?  We are already paying for the defense of Luke Brownfield and Marek Reavis in the Rory Kalin lawsuit. These are taxpayer dollars. Who is monitoring this money? 

The CA Judicial Council is asleep with no monitoring of realities and injustice or due process in California courts, especially during this pandemic. Rules made by an asshat Governor facing recall and out of control Public Health Department officials living high on our dime and getting paid while shutting down the ability of others to earn of anyone. The nerve of anyone in government, including certain Judges, making assertions and judgement about those less fortunate when they have built a career getting rich on taxpayer dollars is a joke.

Pre COVID,  jail staff, court staff, law enforcement and many of us are dealing with these issues. Now it is worse. And we are the ones people want to vent to, harass and target because they are too lazy to deal with their own mental health, insecurities and weaknesses.

I cover live news. I get complex, court coverage out quickly.  I don't do superficial coverage of one or two cases with a few paragraphs regurgitating the same cut and paste . Nor is my coverage mostly press releases posted hours and days later.

Very few people reach out or appreciate the attorneys, court staff or jail staff and others doing their stressful jobs under impossible circumstances. Not every one's jobs or lives are affected the same by this pandemic. 

COVID 19 has further exposed the arrogance of politicians, government, billionaires but also the average selfish American, especially in Humboldt.

Most of you cannot be bothered to say thank you or show appreciation unless it benefits you in some way. 

More than a thank you, say it with money and say it with loyalty. No small business and no one providing you a valuable service should have to justify what they deserve or have to suffer during this pandemic. The businesses and people that give to you daily, where is your support for them?

Select careers, industry, the billionaires and lifetime bureaucrats scam the system to benefit themselves and now during a pandemic, they begrudge others being compensated for loss of income that was not our fault.

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