Sep 28, 2019

Until the laws change, just another typical morning for EPD

Old Town Officer Brian Ross and I think a trainee assisting him seem to be conducting a probation search. I took the photo while walking on 3rd Street. I did not want to stop and interrupt the officers doing their job.

The only one I saw detained and cuffed was a guy in a red shirt. Officer Ross had taken something out of his pockets. He just walked past me.

This is typical of a certain element that has taken over 2nd and 3rd Streets in Eureka. Until Prop 47 is overturned, until the Ninth Circuit comes up with a ruling that considers the rights of law abiding citizens and until California local and state officials take meaningful steps to address mental health, drug enablers and affordable housing, nothing will change.

Law enforcement has to do the job of protecting citizens and be defacto social workers.

The working class and the working poor bear the brunt of ineptness created by those who get paid and elected to address these issues.

The local slumlords contribute to the homeless problem because their peers look the other way and those in charge of enforcing civil laws and statutes do not hold them accountable.

It has been this way for decades in Humboldt because very few people speak up. It has been this way in Humboldt for decades, whether the left or right has been charge, because we keep recycling the same people instead of encouraging new leadership.

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