Oct 1, 2020

Why didn't the Seventh Day Adventist Church believe and take any action against Mark Dare years ago?

This comment above seems to be from  a Seventh Day Adventist church member. I don't know if it is the same person who spoke with me years ago in person or a different person.

The same church members who were harassing Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2. This was according to Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer, who was previously assigned to the case. She said this in court. Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm took over the case after the preliminary hearing.

In one of my previous posts on the Mark Dare trial, I made a reference to some information but did not give details. Early on in the case, I briefly spoke to someone who knew Mark Dare and went to church with him. This person was struggling with the allegations and asked me some questions about the case and my coverage. This person knows me and trusts me and is a Christian man. He ended up telling me to look into similar allegations about Mark Dare's brother who was overseas at that time. I attempted to do so with the limited information I was provided but could not verify what I was told. Without revealing my source, I passed the information on to appropriate authorities. When it comes to alleged child abuse, that is the proper thing to do. I have not seen this church member since and am not sure he is even in Humboldt, anymore.

Seventh Day Adventist church members, including an elder,  testified yesterday and said Mark Dare is a moral, upstanding man despite being given information about what Mark Dare admitted to in court.

Porn, prostitution, sex outside marriage, cheating, child molestation is okay with these Pharisees?

Mark Dare is denying the prostitition. That is exactly what he did by soliciting sex on craigslist. He can deny the child molestation but his actions say otherwise.  

Innocent people don't discuss trial testimony with witnesses during the trial and coach them. Innocent people don't have their friends intimidate the "alleged" victims. You all tried that intimidation with me at the preliminary hearing.  A true Christian exposes evil; not enables it.

I have taken personal risks with financial consequences to make a difference in this community and provide information on this blog that no other local media has and my coverage proves it, over and over again.

This man worked for a local television group and local radio stations. Kevin Mostyn of BiCoastal media testified for Mark Dare. 

Those who support me, as regular readers and my advertisers, are decent people and Christians. The rest of you by your silence in your churches and this community against evil, corruption and greed and by allowing those who attack me constantly and  attack the Jane and John Does are doing the Devil's bidding. 

Every single one of you, especially church going frauds that sat by silently while the Randy Cooks,  Seng Yangs, Chad Smith preyed on this community are complicit in their abuse. 

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