Dec 21, 2019

Huffpost presents a biased view of the Lawson case without presenting facts from court or unbiased parties

Instead of doing a balanced article, Huffpost interviews "family and friends" of David Josiah Lawson presenting a skewed version of the case. Huffpost could have presented facts from court, included what the Attorney General said but they chose to publish a sloppy piece which is neither investigation or reporting.

Opinions from "family and friends" that conveniently ignore that if witnesses don't come forward, a case cannot be solved. Nor do they focus on the drunk partygoers and testimony of drugs that night. No one was forcing people to leave the scene; they chose to instead of staying and giving information they witnessed that night to the police.

I am not going to link the article. For those wanting to read it,you can go find it online. 


  1. How low can the the garbage media go for a "story" ? Race-baiting lowlifes.

  2. Your right John this article was terrible.


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