Aug 1, 2024

"I have a question for you. How can Greg Elvine-Kreis handle a case that he once heard as a judge? Is that ethical?


(the photo that made national headlines and resulted in Kreis' ouster)

About an hour and half ago, I received some inquiries including this text from someone in the community, someone who I known for years, someone knowlegeable about the courts. This person was contacted by someone at the courthouse today who was shocked to hear that ousted, disgraced former judge Gregory Kreis is practicing as a lawyer.

People at the courthouse mentioned to sources in the community that Kreis was trying to get appointed to another case, they believe it was a child support case. The judge in charge of that case did not appoint Kreis. 

I have to verify with court records if Kreis was the judge in the case but to do that I need more information from the people who contacted me. I don't have that because everyone is busy and some are hesitant.

I was the first one to report on July 9 that Kreis would be appointed as Maria Cuevas' lawyer and why that is a conflict. On July 27,  I reported the entire Humboldt bench recused themselves after Kreis was appointed. If Cuevas is convicted, Humboldt Superior Court has already set up grounds for appeal by letting Kreis be her attorney.

As usual, another local media outlet followed up days later on my original reporting. Forget credit, the least they could do is not copy my words. It has happened more than once.

I really don't care if Kreis is "struggling." I have been told that by several people. He deserves to be broke, homeless and experience a hundred times the pain, struggle and hardship he has caused others due to his incompetence, arrogance and pettiness. The California State Bar is a joke and shouldn't have reinstated his license. The State Bar is not even bothering to investigate the conflict of Kreis being appointed in the Cuevas case.

Kreis should never have been allowed to be on the conflict panel given his many conflicts of interest at the courthouse. He wants hang his shingle, le him go out and get a client like any other lawyer in private practice.

Word is out in the community among people who work with or are in service or in the know that local lawyers are struggling. Local busineses are stuggling. It would surprise you who. Some I feel sorry for because like most of us in Humboldt, this is a direct result of the failure of Humboldt's so called "leaders" aka the cabal whose lifestyle hasn't changed. Others I don't feel a bit of empathy for because like Kreis; this is karma. Kreis is just fine. Is he still living with Humboldt Superior Court's Tanya Ellis?  Minutes from his family law divorce case hearing on 7/8 are MIA. I had to follow up and they are in the court file but not in e court. I had to pay for a hard copy when these minutes should be able to be viewed for free just like any other case.

I was also told a former lawyer, who closed his practice, has been hired as the manager in charge of the courtroom clerks and reporters. Wonder if it was the guy I saw walking around with Humboldt Superior Court Assistant Court Operations Manager Scott Anderson this week?

Thank you to the reader who sent me the following information on 8/2. "John,The attorney you mentioned who now works for the courts is Jeffery Monsell.  He left his firm pretty suddenly but he seems a lot happier now." Monsell's law license is still active.

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