Aug 14, 2024

Why is that with Security National owning the parking lot by City Hall there are now bums hanging out there and a dog barking all day?


Why is that with Security National owning the parking lot by City Hall there are now bums hanging out there and a dog barking all day? One day, there were three bums hanging out. This photo is from today. I don't see the parking lot vs housing crowd complaining about the loss of parking here.

When Redwood Capital had it, there were no cars but they had a fence. Before that, it was a parking lot with cars. 

This was the last post I did on the parking lot which is currently owned by Security National. It has the background of how the parking lot went through a few owners before SN bought it and has links to other posts.

8/15: At 10:26, belongings were still there. The dog was barking at someone walking on 5th and K with their dog.⁰

I appreciate the email thanking me for this post from people who are neighbors and own businesses near this parking lot. 

"John, good article about Rob Arkley's parking lot.  I thought that he wanted more parking in Eureka, so I think its interesting that he has the parking lot cordoned off.  He allowed it to get really dirty.  Then, last week, he sent in a cleaning crew who proceeded to use leaf blowers to blow all the dirt from the lot into the parking lot next door where I have my office and park my car (that ended up covered in dirt)."

I was on my way to the courthouse last week and I heard the leaf blowers and saw the crew in the middle of the parking lot when I walked by. There was a lot of dirt in the air.

These are the kind of issues The No on F should be informing public about instead of pontificating anonymously or not on other local media online comment sections. They get paid and solicit funds for what? 

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