Aug 25, 2024

Filing in Kreis' family law case refers to his new wife, requests sanctions against Kreis and attorney fees


The Judicial Settlement Conference scheduled in Gregory Kreis and Brenda Elvine for 8/26 has been rescheduled for 9/6. Since my post on August 14, another document was filed by Elvine's attorney on 8/21. In his declaration, Mr. David Lederman's requests include Elvine asking for $10,000 in sanctions against Kreis and an additional $15,000 for needs-based attorney's fees and costs. There are more details in Lederman's filing about why sanctions and fees should be granted including claims of "obstreperous and unreasonable conduct" by Kreis and failure to comply with ex-parte rules and a reference to Kreis' new wife who is not named in the document. Based on previous photographs, prior coverage, a photo of Kreis and Humboldt Superior Court's self help attorney Tanya Ellis, Kreis and Ellis living in the same house and several people saying they are married; a reasonable conclusion would be Lederman is referring to Ellis and her $11, 200 monthly salary.

When I last checked e court nothing had been filed by Kreis. I checked again on 8/26 and 8/27.  If he files a response to Mr. Lederman's declaration; if and when such document is available; I will add it to this post.

Kreis settled with the Commission on Judicial Performance. He settled with former Humboldt Deputy Public Defender Rory Kalin.

On 8/26, I received this comment about this post from a top, experienced California attorney. There are many in the legal field who regularly read my blog all over California and the nation. This attorney is well versed and well connected with the CJP, the State Bar, has practiced in courts all over California and has influential political and business connections. Throughout my coverage of Kreis including the CJP proceedings, this attorney's analysis and predictions were accurate and I respect the feedback. 

"Great work. Kreis can claim he is impecunious but it is standard fare that the income of a co-habitant is imputed on to the family law litigant. "


Two most recent posts on family law case:

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