Aug 7, 2024

Nick Martinez gets even a better plea in recent negotiations, only 16 months in prison for possesion of child porn

Once again, Nick Martinez changed his mind on  8/5 about withdrawing his plea. Sentencing was continued to this morning. Martinez already had another case dismissed on 5/22/24 as a part of his plea previously and now he got even a better deal today.

Martinez's recent plea was to PC 311.11, possession of child porn and he was sentenced to 16 months prison which is the lower term. Plea negotiations have been going on after a hung jury on two of the original counts. 

This is the result even after he tried a Marsden motion on his attorney which was denied and pouted for months. That is because Ms. Andrea Sullivan is a professional and an excellent attorney. Despite Martinez acting out and being ungrateful, Ms. Sullivan was able to resolve this case with Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm is the prosecutor.

Martinez's case was scheduled on 8/5 for sentencing and withdrawl of plea. I have been covering his case and if you haven't followed his case, you can read prior coverage. 

8/5 court minutes:

8/7:  Prohibited Person Relinquishment report on 8/14.

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