Aug 3, 2024

Why is a grown man touching a 15 year old in intimate places?"


Jane Doe 2 continued her testimony on 8/2 in alleged molestor Gary Landergen's jury trial and stood her ground with Conflict Counsel Supervising Attorney Meagan O'Connell. Defense efforts to impeach Jane Doe #2 backfired. She came across as credible, strong and ended up helping the People's case. 

Ms. O'Connell's asked Jane Doe #2 about two incidents regarding her phone referring to a photo and a video.

Ms. OConnell: "Did you tell the investigator the video was of Jane Doe 3?"

"It doesn't say the recording was of Jane Doe 3 but it was Jane Doe 3," responded Jane Doe #2 about the school investigator's report.

Ms. O Connell : "You were upset Mr. Landergen took your phone?" 

"I was not upset he took my phone," said Jane Doe 2. "I was upset he went through my deleted photos instead of letting me show them to him."

When Jane Doe 2 was testifying about stretching exercises, at one point Landergen shook his head in agreement to what she testified. Jurors are sitting right across and can see him. I am sitting in the audience and these movements he makes, shaking his head yes or no or talking with Ms. O'Connell in an animated manner when the young women are testifying can be seen clearly.

Some of the strongest statements by Jane Doe 2 were during Ms. O'Connell's cross examination when stretching exercises were brought up over and over by Ms. O'Connell. Every question brought forth a response from Jane Doe that backfired on Landergen.

"Why is a grown man touching a 15 year old in intimate places?" said Jane Doe 2. "It wierded us out."

"All stretches are intimate," said Jane Doe 2. "All partner stretches are intimate."

Jane Doe 2 and Jane Doe 2 spoke after the stretching exercises and Jane Doe 3 told Jane Doe 2 she was uncomfortable.

Caden Wilkinson's testimony was brief.

Brylee Barsanti's testimony helped the grooming argument by the People. More than her words, it was her demeanor towards Landergen. She kept looking at him and once she paused before answering, as if looking to him for what she should say. I wouldn't say it was to the extent of making goo goo eyes but shyly glancing his way for approval. Landergen looked right at her. He could have put his head down or averted his gaze.

During cross examination, her responses were trying to minimize Landergen's behavior claiming Landergen never used the word "bitch" in reference to his wife. During cross, Barsanti said that Landergen talked about her "butt" at Target and  it was one of the many times "badonkadonk" was used by Landergen. Some of Barsanti's testimony during cross contradicted Jane Doe 1's testimony. Who will the jurors believe? I thought Jane Doe 1 was more credible and consistent in her testimony and did not flip flop depending on who was questioning her.

But during direct, Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm got her to admit she was uncomfortable and that Landergen.  Barsanti said Landergen made a comment about another student's mom's chest and the mom "being hot."

The day ended with Fortuna Police Department Detective Ryan Richardson starting his testimony.

Appearances matter in a case. I have no idea where Landergen bought his plain button down shirts and the blue one was ok, the purple is the same one from his original booking photo and the yellow canary one does not do him favors nor does the material. Murderer Bodhi Tree had less money than Landergen and dressed better and more appropriately for court. Landergen should have gone for the stodgy black pants, white or light blue buttoned down shirt look. This old dude desperately trying look for someone charged with alleged molestation is pathetic and stupid.

8/2 court minutes:

8/5 court minutes:

Previous posts (jury trial):

I have linked prior coverage from the preliminary hearing and the case several times including the first post on the jury trial. You can search the blog or google those posts if you are a new reader.

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