Aug 15, 2024

Mixed verdict, hung on aggravating factors in James Mason jury trial


Three of his 2024 cases were on jury trial. One 2024 case for petty theft is trailing. It is a mixed verdict and complicated because there are three cases and lesser options for charges. There was a bifurcation portion and after testimony concluded today, hung jury on aggravated factors. This will make a big difference for Mason and time served. Ruling on remaining aggravated factors on 8/20; sentencing on 9/20.

The jury started deliberations at 3 p.m. on 8/12. On 8/14 at 2:45 p.m. they had a verdict. It was almost 3:45 when I left on 8/14:towards the end of the day and jurors were still waiting on testimony. You can see from 8/15 minutes, their deliberations on the aggravating factors was brief.

Today, I am waiting on court minutes. It is 2 :20 p.m. Court minutes are finally done. Mason was found not guilty on the attempted murder charge and a mixed verdict on others. Matt is a court clerk who does detailed court minutes. Even though I took lengthy and detailed notes yesterday on the verdict and it would have been nice to post them for you live yesterday;  I explained in my Michael Black post why that did not happen. Reading the court minutes is easier because it is confusing with three cases.

The only addition from my notes yesterday is that the jury foreperson told Judge Lawrence Killoran that they had reached a verdict "except I believe on one thing" and that they were "hopelessly deadlocked." When James Mason walked into the courtroom, he looked at me.

Judge Killoran declared a mistrial on that one count. He explained to the jury due to new California law, there is bifurcation of the trial on the aggravating factors. Once again, it a mistrial on those factors due to a hung jury. 

Even though charges are in the previous post, since most readers were patient, I have also included the four cases and charges to this post so you can compare with the verdict. In my previous post, you will see when the jury started deliberating, my observations and that they had multiple juror questions.

Considering he has 4 cases and there was evidence on three cases for jury trial with serious charges, this is win by Ms. Andrea Sullivan will be obvious when you read details of the verdict. Deputy District Attorney Candace Myers is the prosecutor. DA Investigators Marvin Kirkpatrick and Chelsea Brawner were two of the People's witnesses.

8/14 court minutes:

8/15 court minutes:

8/20: Judge Killoran issued his ruling on the remaining aggravated factors. Court minutes for CR2401239, CR2401209 and CR2400742 have details. 

CR2400840 petty theft is trailing.

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