Aug 4, 2024

What should have been a simple hearing turned into.a two day ordeal because of one petty attorney and his ego


Tomorrow, preliminary hearing is scheduled for alleged rapist Burt Coffelt. There was a fourth continuance requested by the DA because  the investigator was not available but also because defense had not provided medical records to the People. Once again, Deputy Public Defender Nims cannot follow basic legal procedure. Preliminary hearing rescheduled to 8/12.

There have already been three continuances by the defense. Since it is a Public Defender case and also  assigned to Nims, this a last minute continuance is no surprise. It could have been no courtroom unavailability. Atleast Nims has not thrown a hissy fit if the case gets assigned before Judge Killoran and waste more time and resources because his teeney weeny ego can't handle being correctly called out for not following the law.

I was checking the Coffelt case to see if a motion to continue was filed on Friday and saw defense filed a motion to reconsider custody. This was done after my last post. So, I checked the minutes. What should have been a simple hearing turned into a two day ordeal because petty Nims' has been pouting ever since Judge Lawrence Killoran ruled against him for violation of motions in limine during a trial on other case.

Nims disqualified Judge Killoran on 7/18 so the hearing was continued to 7/19 when Judge Kaleb Cockrum denied the defense motion on bail & custody status. Details in court minutes. Will Nims be disqualifying Judge Cockrum too? 

As I have been updating several court cases this week, I am seeing rulings from Judge Lawrence Killoran and Judge Kaleb Cockrum on bail or informal agreements which protect the public and enforce the law. This won't make certain Deputy  Public Defenders or certain Deputy District Attorneys happy and they will probably disqualify these judges because that is "Humboldt injustice."

Nims was not even present for his own case on 7/19 and this has happened quite a few times. Guess this is Nims year not to be in court or late instead of Deputy Public Defender Adrian Kamada.

If you are not a regular reader, search Nims on the blog if you want details on his  attitude and why he is such a snot. Nims is another out of control,  little, insecure twerp  who needs to get over himself and go back to private practice and earn his taxpayer funded salary. Just like his ousted, disgraced buddy Gregory Kreis, David Nims thinks he can do whayever he wants.

There are attorneys who I respect who are Nims colleagues. You all are good lawyers, decent human beings and you don't throw a tantrum when there is a valid ruling against you. Those of you in this group who are in private practice have a busy schedule for a reason. 

These lawyers and those familiar with the courts and the system know I call it like it is and holding the courts and the player accountable is not about feelings. It is about facts and court records. It is a very stressful environment and it takes a daily toll. 

On 8/6, records subpoenaed from UCSF & Sutter.

8/12: Preliminary hearing continued by defense yet again to 8/21 due to Nims being in trial. Public Defender Luke Brownfield appeared on the case for him.

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