Aug 29, 2024

Hung jury in Shane Campbell aka Juggalo aka Little Red's trial


Another hung jury where a juror is replaced last minute by an alternate the day before the jury deadlocks. The split was 11-1 for guilt.  One hold out. I know who that juror is because I heard him talking to defense. From his comments, he has no clue about the law. Was he upfront during voir dire? I doubt it.

36 year old Shane Campbell has 3 open cases. A search in e court brings up 32 cases. Since his booking photo was taken, most recently on July 23, Campbell now has a beard. His aliases are Juggalo and Little Red. I get the last one because of his hair color and dimunitive stature.

The three open cases are CR2402259 which is trailing; CR2303476 trailing and CR2400817 which ended in the mistrial. Dates are scheduled in CR2400817 for a retrial. Disposition reset is scheduled for 8/30. Trial confirmation on 9/18 and jury trial on 9/23.

On 8/28, juror #2 was replaced with an alternate juror. On 8/29, I saw jurors walk in the courtroom at 3:52. A few minutes later, hung jury and mistrial declared. 

I know some of the jurors recognized me from the positive reaction when they entered the courtroom and when they left the courthouse. 

Some jurors jurors left right away. Kudos to the jurors who stayed and spoke with Deputy DA Trent Timm first. DA Investigator Greg Hill was there with Mr. Timm and in the private conference room with the jurors. 

Then as they exited, Deputy Public Defender David Nims was waiting with his investigator. I wonder how many had a choice and actually wanted to talk with the defense. Mostly, Nims talked and the jurors listened. I felt sorry for them but they could have walked away. 

I overheard Nims say, "I tried to talk to my client." That could have been to other attorneys who were also in the hallway at some point. It was towards end of the day and I was checking cases in e court before the courthouse closed so I was listening to what was going out in the hallway and sometimes I would look and see who was talking.

I heard Nims go on and on about defending his own performance and why his client didnt testify and excuses about what they heard and did not hear. He even disparaged Mr. Timm and was instantly corrected on his opinion by the jurors. Mr. Timm personally and professionally is heads above someone like Nims. There isn't even a comparison. 

If you read my coverage of the Jesus Loza Zamacona case, you know Nims is lucky he wasn't sanctioned. Is Nims and the PD office going to take responsibility for the mistrial? It does not matter if they do. There are court records.

The fact that he has the nerve to say anything about Mr. Timm shows what a joke he is and the arrogance of the Public Defender's office. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know there is so more about the PDs office and certain Public Defenders. The CJP proceedings and documents about Kreis and the former Humboldt Deputy Public Defender Rory  Kalin's lawsuit alone are enough and made national headlines. 

Another case where the DA Investigator is Hill and Mr. Timm just happens to be the prosecutor. Two of the cases are HCSO arrests including the one for this jury trial. The third case is a CHP case. 

It only takes one  juror to have a hung jury. All these hung juries lately have a lot of similar factors and I have written about them often.  One major issue is that juries are being sworn in too quickly and I have never seen the musical chairs of jurors occur so often during a trial and the day before deliberations. 

This is not a case I followed nor will I be following every date and hearing if it drags on for months. I will check on the retrial if I have time. Both the DAs office and the Public Defender's office need to sit down, egos put aside and resolve Campbell's cases with a plea. 

Campbell has 32 cases. He needs to take a plea and free up space in jail for the growing number of those arrested for domestic violence, rape, sex abuse and homicide. 

There are too many criminals with serious charges and stronger cases to waste time on the typical Humboldt drama filled case for someone frequently arrested. 

The socio economic bleeding hearts and the California has lax laws speculators can debate all they want. Both sides have no clue  except for their agenda and enable why Humboldt has so much crime. The only people who have guts are those who paid attention and stood up were those who ousted Kreis. And, even that was undone by the weak, selective enforcement of the useless California State Bar and the good ole boys, generational fools who support the incompetent decades of leadership and corruption that plague Humboldt. 

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