Aug 6, 2024

At the last hearing in his divorce case, Gregory Kreis claims he is unemployed and has no income


Gregory Kreis has wasted so much of my time for years; especially since the notice of formal proceedings and now almost a month to get court minutes. After the Commission on Judicial Performance notice of proceedings,  CJP decision and national headlines, most readers of this blog may think they know all there is about Kreis but they don't. There are constantly new readers who don't know the background. Kreis destroyed lives and has yet to apologize and take responsibility so you can endure the initial paragraphs before we get to the crux of this post.

Kreis's family law case was transferred to Sonoma Superior Court. That causes a longer delay in court minutes but documents are usually in e court in a few days. I checked several times and when there was no future date, I put in a request on 8/2 for the minutes and with the Humboldt Superior Court clerk. I want to thank family law court clerk Zach for promptly getting the minutes. He then correctly told me the cost of 50 cents for a hard copy. If the minutes were in e court, I could view them for free. Without going into the details of all the reasons why court minutes were delayed; it is primarily due to Kreis' conflict of interest and he will work the legal system dragging this out just like the CJP proceedings.

I know the reasons and have discussed them with court administration and this has only happened with Kreis' family law case. There are other cases with some of the same issues and I never had this problem with those court minutes. My choice was to wait indefinitely or thank Humboldt Superior Court admin, staff, Humboldt Superior Court Operations Assistant Manager Scott Anderson and Court Operations Manager Kelly Nyberg for their assistance and getting me a hard copy of these minutes promptly. If this happens again with future minutes; I am not paying. Those minutes should be in e court for transparency and accessible on the public computers.

Kreis has cost me so much personally and professionally that 50 cents is a pebble in a sea. Kreis destroyed and impacted many people by abusing his power. The worthless California State Bar and weak enablers are allowing Kreis to continue to mooch off  the same system and have put him in a position to negatively impact more lives even after the Commission on Judicial Performance censured him in a decision that made national headlines. The voters made it clear by their votes and the California State Bar and Kreus defenders are giving them the finger.

 Kreis has created so much extra work for judges and court staff because he insists on prolonging the inevitable and is a selfish, unremorseful,  narcissist prick who has no business practicing as a lawyer; much less in Humboldt. He is like the Humboldt crud that lingers  but never goes away. He is a virus that is resistant to ethics and he ignores blatant conflicts of interests. The voters kicked him to the curb. The Commission on Judicial Performance disciplined him, he had to resign and agree he will never be a judge in California. Anyone else would have left this county with their tail between their legs.

In the 7/8 minutes, Kreis stated in a court proceeding that he is not employed at the moment and he has no income. So Kreis wants to us to believe that after his law license was reinstated and his having an email address for his law practice has resulted in him having no income and being unemployed? He is on the Humboldt conflict panel and has been appointed to court cases but he has no money? Is he doing these pro bono? 

Brenda Elvine has a lawyer. I am sure she or her lawyer can hire an investigator and get documentation when Kreis started his law practice and whether he had any income after he left Humboldt Superior Court in May 2024 and for June and July 2024. If she and her lawyer can't be bothered to do the obvious; she doesn't deserve any spousal support. Brenda Elvine knew who he was; she let him walk all over her for 30 years and victimize others by her silence. There are domestic violence and rape survivors who have fought harder and stood up to their abusers and they did not have the resources and connections Brenda Elvine has at her disposal.

Do you believe Kreis had no income from May 27, 2024 to July 8, 2024? Kreis has previously stated in a court filing he would have no income starting May 27, 2024. So how is he paying his bills? Is he still living with Humboldt Superior Court's self help attorney Tanya Ellis? Did they go on a honeymoon to Cancun in June 2024 as planned after their wedding in San Francisco. Warning before you look at a photo of the newlyweds. 🤢

You read the posts and saw the court records where Kreis was appointed as Maria Cuevas' lawyer. Kreis knew on July 8, 2024 he was going to be appointed as Cuevas' lawyer. He was appointed on 7/10/24 at her arraignment.

It only took a gazillion posts on this blog for the DA to finally file a motion regarding Kreis' appointment in the Cuevas case. The DA's motion makes the points I made in my original post when I heard he was going to be appointed and after arraignment when he was appointed.

It was also after that post, a current judge declined to appoint Kreis as a lawyer in a Humboldt case Kreis heard when he was a judge. Anyone with a brain would not even consider asking to be appointed.

You read the posts I did in the last few months about Kreis starting a law firm, talking to clients and all this was from people in the know. That turned out to be true. He is practicing law. 

Kreis has made at least one appearance in the Cuevas case? Was he not paid? I was told just last week from credible sources he has been appointed to other cases. When was he appointed in those cases? 

I am not linking all the hundreds posts I have done on ousted Kreis while he plagued Humboldt Superior Court, the CJP proceedings, his being kicked to the curb by voters and his divorce . Most of you have read my exclusive coverage including the February 2024 post including the letter where his ex wife of 30 years called him a pathological liar.

The last post I did on his divorce case was on July 3

There is a Judicial Settlement Conference scheduled on 8/26 in Kreis' divorce case.

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