Aug 12, 2024

Michael Black was in Eureka's Pathway to Payday program in 2019, yet another reader who gives insight into the man arrested 6 times this year



(2019, this photo cropped by reader )

( photo with a City of Eureka press release)

"Hi John. Thanks for the continued Michael Black coverage. I know he is a lowlife but his presence in our community raises questions about just how many chances a person gets before their conduct is too unacceptable to have them go on."

"I raise this because I went to rehab with Mike back in 2019. He was admitted to Waterfront in June of that year after getting out of prison. I would assume some trade of a promise of treatment for time was made. I don't remember if he graduated from 30 days of treatment or not or stayed longer. I was also struck by his presence in this picture of graduates from the city's pathway to payday program last year (included in a promo PR for this summer's offering). The character you see there, with the sarcastic attitude and the baggy suit coat... That was the Mike we all saw in rehab. He stood out as more narcissistic than the rest. I am really glad we have a program like pathway to payday in Humboldt, but I hope it's helping the right people. Anyways, hope this note finds you well and you're having a nice Monday."

I have received more correspondence from people about Black then any other case in the recent months from different people who do not know each other. I have covered Black since 2019. He has racked up 6 arrests in 2024. Another reader who knows Black requested I not share their recent email. In the past, with pernission, I have published readers' concerns about Black.

I received this message from yet another one of my regular readers. This is someone I have met in person a few times. I originally communicated with this reader about another high profile case. The reader is gainfully employed at a well known local business. 

Related posts:

**This August post has links to all the other posts I have done on Black. I said I wouldn't be providing all links in the future as it is getting cumbersome**

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