Aug 5, 2024

Something in the Humboldt water, an obtuse troll or an insider with an agenda?


Something in the Humboldt water, an obtuse troll or an insider with an agenda? 

There are more interesting posts for you to read today than this one. You can read the rest of the post if you want but it is just rinse and repeat of the last 72 hours by  troll du jour. I agree, time to stop feeding the trolls. They don't even make it challenging to figure out who they are.

I have not included the cropped document because I cannot verify it or authenticate, especially since what was sent to me is a couple of lines on a cropped sheet of paper. If the document is real; it could be confidential; it could be photoshopped. Just who is this friend who sent the document to "Joana"? Neff? Someone with access to confidential documents who has an axe to grind because they were exposed and called out on the blog and are using the Neff case to target me? No other local media covers the cases I do or exposes the corruption, leadership, law enforcement and the Humboldt cabal. 
Anyone who reads my blog, knows I update cases. There are rare instances where complaints have not been filed and either the defendant or a lawyer respectfully contacts me and provides me verified, accurate information. I then follow up with the DA. 

My schedule is full of more pressing cases and news and I get to certain cases when I can. Neff posted bond. While I check to see if charges were filed, there is no alert or way of knowing a case was rejected or stays pending and requires a lot of extra work. I just checked on 8/2.

 I don't take orders from same random biased troll. If this is so important to you or anyone else, pay me for my time you wasted, the lesson in the criminal justice system and to work on your "special" request. Your stupid, rude email is an interruption is a delay that costs real victims. Neff's case is a list of cases I check regularly. Unlike you "Joana" some of us including the DA, law enforcement, court staff are swamped keeping up with Humboldt criminals and idiots like you who waste our time. 

"Joanna", even if your document is authentic. I reported on a valid arrest as listed in the jail log. I don't have enough information from your selective crop so even if I believe your claims with no proof, then APD screwed up. I don't know if the mistake was  using the word arrested or detained or changing it later, take it up with APD; not me. 

Neff posted bond so the DA had  time to review and declined to press charges. Again, all that information is not available on a jail log. Maybe I should look into who is leaking documents that are not available to the public and media like certain other records?

Since you think you know so much "Joana"and you claimed to have read my post, do you want to go over all of Neff's Humboldt Superior Court cases I listed in my original post?  I will add a couple of his cases; those with convictions and bail forfeitures. So you can see how to provide proper evidence and records that are not cropped. You have your opinion of Neff "Joana" and it is biased. 

Why didn't you use your real and full name "Joana"? That is a hypothetical question. I know every dirty trick in this County, how things are leaked and how all the people held accountable and called out on this blog operate. The anon harassment and stleath attacks and so do my readers. 

You actually need to pay me more than $50 for my time you wasted and to be schooled in a mini lesson about the local criminal justice system. You had an agenda to try and discredit me. It didn't work. You are just some bored loser who thinks you know  journalism or the criminal justice system works. Most likely, an insider. I don't really care. I don't need some irresponsible rando who goes around spreading privileged documents that should not be disseminated without authorization lecturing me about anything.

These type of emails come in waves after particularly effective posts. Could be a coincindence, could be the same person, I don't really care. 

Humboldt has issues with mental illness, petty people and what all these emails have in common is obsessive internet trolls and insiders who are pissed at valid reporting inconvenient to them. There are a lot of people who apparently have a lot of time to sit around with unlimited disposable income poking their noses where they don't belong.
They also have no couth. Some rando with a beef and bias about a case with vested interest who has no clue about me and does not support my blog as a in any way has the nerve to be disrespectful. 

I am waiting for my check "Joana". From you from "Ryan" and all the others just in the last 4 days that have taken away time from real news and my earning an income.

This wouldn't happen if the "lifetime local media outlets" did their job properly. Instead, they
ignore certain news and report selectively. For decades, certain people in this County have been used to total control and they are used to getting their way. Unlike Lee Ulansey, I don't whine and say I am a victim. I document the harassment and notify appropriate authorities. Powerless impotent trolls lurking anonymously and dumping their darkness on others are incapable of remorse or taking responsibility. 

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