Aug 15, 2024

Reader thanks me for detailed coverage on Michael Black and is concerned about my safety

Yesterday, before Mike Black's arraignment, I received a letter from yet another reader about Michael Black. I am sharing it with permission.

"Hi Mr Chiv,

I just wanted to send you a quick note to say first of all, thank you for the up-to-date coverage on Mike.  It is truly appreciated by me and my large family.  Mike has been harassing, threatening, and abusing me and my family for years and knowing about his arrests and time in and out of jail gives us some warning of when he is extra dangerous.  

The second reason for my message is to caution you that once Mike thinks he has been offended by anyone he will try to hurt them.  He has plenty of time and his Mother gives him plenty of money to enable him so he is relentless.  Mike has abused all of my family for years and for no reason with nuisance annoyances, physical violence, stalking, vandalism, and cyber bullying.

I’m worried that you might get the same treatment from Mike.  From my experience, you don’t have to do anything, there is no rational explanation for his behaviour, but once you are on his radar, he is a danger to you.  Please be careful.  

 His Mother will always come up with the money to pay for fines, bail, and the best lawyers while doing nothing to fix Mike.  She comes into town writes some big checks then gets away from him asap, I wish we all could get away from him that easily. 

Thank you so much for your coverage, I respect your hard work and it is a real blessing to me and my family."

I got another email at 10:36 today thanking me for the coverage. The sentiment was basically what every email has said, "I really appreciate your continued coverage of Mr. Black. Again I thank and commend you in your service that you provide our small community." To that reader, your email is appreciated, especially this week.

Previous posts:

**Because it is relevant to this post, I am linking all of Black's post. I am not going to do this for every post so if you are a new reader, you can read this prior coverage or do a search in the future**

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