Aug 2, 2024

With 46 cases on the trial assignment calendar, suspended attorney's drug case is one of several trials delayed due to lack of courtrooms




There were 46 cases on the trial assignment calendar today. I did see DA Stacey Eads in the courtroom and on the second floor today. Several jury trials, including a few I am covering were continued and rescheduled.

Jury trial for Victor Campos and his co-defendant Kyle Cross drug case will not start next Monday because there are no courtrooms available. Campos' law license was suspended due to this criminal case and he is ineligible to practice law.

Trial confirmation rescheduled for 10/7/24; jury trial and motions in limine on 10/21/24. puty District Attorney Ian Harris is the prosecutor. Campos is represented by Deputy Public Defender David Nims. This week and today on this case, Public Defender Luke Brownfield appeared for Mr. Nims in court. Cross' attorney is Deputy Conflict Counsel Zack Curtis.

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