Aug 6, 2024

DA rejects APD report, no charges filed for Joshua Neff arrest


Many of you read the Epic Fail post yesterday which is relevant to this brief Joshua Neff update. If you haven't, please do for context and more details on APD and the DA's decision. Some of you can benefit from the brief mini lesson "Joanna" got for free on the local criminal justice system and how arrests, investigations, charging decisions and reporting works.

Today, the sun and the moon and the stars briefly aligned. Just kidding. If "Joanna" had just waited one more day, both of us could have saved some time. After a very busy week,I got up at the crack of dawn, went to the courthouse checked on several cases. I had planned on checking on a few arrests and Neff's was one of them. Despite trolls, despite another non stop week of being busy, thanks to the hardworking court and DA staff, I confirmed the DA rejected the APD report and no charges were filed f  Neff's July arrest.

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