Aug 17, 2024

Last year he was facing criminal charges, after his plea, Christie has bought up more property, may end up own Redwood Meat and is paying off bills


Last year, many people foolishly thought Ray Christie would get his "just deserts." Others knew that HCSO, feds and DA's office bungled the case and were surprised it had not resolved earlier.

Since his plea deal in December 2023 which I reported on and thanks to the Humboldt DA's office, former judge Gregory Kreis and retired Judge Christopher Wilson, Christie there was no jury trial, no jail time, no probation and several counts were dismissed. Christie paid $12,000 in lieu of fine to Redwood Pals rescue located in Mckinleyville.

After reading my post yesterday, those savvy in the financial community and who are familiar with how local business is done told me Christie is going to end up in charge of Redwood Meat and turn a profit. "He is probably going to hire someone to manage it," said one local financial leader.

Regardless what you think of Christie, he ended up buying more property, making deals, may end up own a well established business and according to just two financial documents from the Clerk Recorder, Christie is paying bills. 

I am not linking all the posts on Christie including purchase of property not reported elsewhere.

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