Aug 9, 2024

More of Ray Christie's vested interest in the Redwood Meat, Nylander lawsuit revealed in latest court filing


There was an ex parte hearing on 7/31/24 and Judge Timothy Canning granted a preliminary injunction. Ms. Cyndy Day-Wilson represents Stephanie, Rachel and Russel Nylander. There is an Order to Show Cause hearing regarding the preliminary injunction on 8/16. Cyndy-Day Wilson was served today with an opposition filed by Mr. Dustin Owens on behalf of Redwood Meat Co., Inc.

You can read the opposition to the preliminary injunction and two declarations by Mr. Owens and Mr. Stuart Smits which include many details including improper service to individuals, whether the sale of shares to Ray Christie was legal and Day -Wilson saying, " I am not a Ray Christie fan."

There is a case managenent conference scheduled for 1/27/25 but dates may and will change after the 8/16 hearing.

8/16 minutes will be added to this post when mbavailable.

Ray Christie resolved his animal abuse case in December 2023 with no jail time, no probation and several counts dismissed. He paid $12,000 in lieu of fine to Redwood Pals rescue.

On August 2, I did a post related to this lawsuit.

Not only did Ray Christie neglect to tell me last time I saw him that he wanted to buy Redwood Meat; he omitted the fact that he owns 82% of the business. The business has an injunction from selling assets but shareholders can sell their shares and that is how Christie bought into the business.

Christie says he reads my blog. LOCO's  Ryan Burns was at the courthouse today checking on this case after my post was published. We talked and exchanged some of what we know about the case. 

Christie and all interested parties involved in the Redwood Meat saga get a great deal on publicity with this latest filing. At least two articles for the price of one lawsuit. I don't know if Thad or TS will follow up now. If they do, 4 articles for the cost of one lawsuit on shareholders selling shares and Humboldt rancher farmer drama from different perspectives. 

Attorneys cannot confirm or comment on the filing unless they are authorized by their clients. Civil court documents are usually detailed. Court records and minutes allow readers to look at what was filed. Included in this post is one document filed by Day-Wilson.

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