Aug 26, 2024

Defense wants mental health diversion for alleged criminal threats and hate crime suspect


At trial confirmation for criminal and hate crime suspect Daniel Epperson on 8/22, Petition for mental health diversion filed by defense which was originally calendared for 8/29 was vacated and rescheduled for 8/30. The alleged victims in are Lee Ulansey and Joshua Ulansey.

8/28: Defense motion to continue granted. 8/30 and 9/3 dates vacated. Petition for mental health diversion.  continued to 10/11. Epperson's other 2023 VOP case is trailing.

Dates have been rescheduled dates three times in the case. The petition on mental health was originally scheduled for 8/29, then changed to 8/30, then the PD filed a motion to continue on 8/28, all within a matter of days. In the Tyler Ruise case, motion to continue scheduled then heard 2 days earlier, no explaination why dates are being reshuffled. This is what I mean by constant chaos and changing which wastes time, increases workload and impacts accurate reporting

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