Jul 25, 2024

Lee Ulansey whining when other victims face the same issues, also Epperson's release, texts was reported on my blog months ago


Lee, you are not special. Other victims have gone through what you have. Did you register for victim notification?  There is a protective order in place. Stop acting like you are more in danger than hundreds of others who face the same situation you do except they have less money and aren't a part of the Humboldt cabal. Has Daniel Epperson violated his protective order? If he had, Epperson would have been arrested. Stop whining because you feel entitled to special treatment. How often are you in Humboldt these days? You and your family have many out of county options that most people don't. I am sure a property manager can collect rental money for you and your wife.

I was the first one to report on Epperson's arrest, even before the HCSO press release. I have been the only one to regularly cover the court case and with exclusive information not in a press release or court records.

Lee, other than your tiny Humboldt cabal inner circle, no one gives a damn about you. Even if you decide to get involved in elections again; just as Travis Tritt sang, "Well here's a quarter, call someone who cares." 

Lee I dont't know if you still read my blog which is the news source on local courts; but I find it hard to believe that you did not know Epperson was out of custody. I had all the detailed texts and information weeks before the NCJ article. I definitely know that people who know you read my blog regularly and they have been following my coverage on the Epperson case.

You gave Thad an interview for information that was out there days and weeks ago on my blog. You always run to him when you need something. I don't really care whether he called you or you contacted him in this instance. You chose to speak to a publication that has criticized you in the past. 

Before I started this blog,  I was active politically. You were fine with me volunteering time for free on campaigns you funded but you ran to Thad via Storme because I wouldn't do your bidding then or ever. Rob McBeth and you had your ideas about what you wanted me to do. You & Rob McBeth wanted me to turn on Virginia and Ryan. I told them. I am covering the County now, on my own, as well as other relevant news. Rob and you wanted me to cover the County when I first started the blog. Where is the funding? Now that your boy Rex is entrenched in there and Michelle Bushnell, you have changed your tune. And you have certain other local media that is more useful to you and the rest of the good ole boys. Rexy couldn't call the DA for big boy Lee? Damn if Rex disses you; then you really are an irrelevant political relic.

I did not listen or take you up on your offer then and I was right. My vision for this blog is a success. You and Rob were wrong about what people want to read or what they trust. Just as all the money couldn't get good ole boy candidates in on Eureka City Council,  4th and 5th District Board of Supervisors or elections. Remember when you won elections in 2010 Lee. Certainly wasn't because of you and good ole Rob.

All you good ole boys on the right are hypocrites and play both sides and support certain local media for selfish reasons. Lee, you have always been a self centered, ungrateful prick. You were just as pissy on the rare occasion Virginia stood up to you. I remember Richard telling Matthew, they think they bought a seat. 

I am not going to defend District Attorney Stacey Eads, Victim Witness and her office's failure to notify you of Epperson's release. This happens all the time. I have written several times about this and victims, their families, even defendant families find out information from my blog or email me constantly.

The DA, Victim Witness, prosecutors are paid to inform victims. That is not my job. Law enforcement, investigators, attorneys find out more information and updates on my blog. Again, not my job but in addition to news, this blog and I provide a much needed service. I get emails constantly from people about information they should be provided by the DA, their attorney or courts and other resources. None of this is my job. There are people paid to do what I get asked. 

When you or Rex or Rob build something out of nothing, with no funding, no support, constant knives in your back, lies about you, constant real threats to safety, and are effective without even the basic tools of survival, maybe there is 0001 chance, I will give a damn about your faux outrage that Epperson is out of custody.

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