Jul 27, 2024

Daniel Fidler now charged with 20 counts, denied supervised release or release to treatment facility


Convicted felon Daniel Fidler was arrested by HCSO in November 2023. He was most arrested on June 30, 2024 by the Fortuna Police Department the Fortuna Police Department on a bench warrant for two old charges including kidnapping and 17 new charges.

Fidler retained Ms. Andrea Sullivan. He was originally arraigned on 13 counts with cases merged from four different law enforcement agencies: EPD, HCSO, FPD and CHP. Fidler was on no bail status. In prior coverage, I reported that the DA's motion for first and second amend complaint was granted. I also reported that defense request for supervised release or release to a treatment facility were denied. 

Fidler is now charged with 20 counts and a special allegation regarding prior convictions of serious and violent felonies  . Preliminary hearing is on 8/27. Deputy District Attorney Candace Myers is the prosecutor.

Is the DA overcharging as usual? Based on several trial losses, mixed verdicts, pleas, that does seem to be the case. Time will tell if they can get a conviction on all these charges or this will result in a plea with several charges dismissed.

Second amended complaint:

8/27:  Fidler waived preliminary hearing on all charges. Arraignment on information is 9/10.

9/10: Fidler is no bail status. People withdraw offer and withdraw information; the complaint is reinstated. Preliminary hearing is on 9/20/24.

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