Jul 30, 2024

More legal troubles for Roy Gomez, Cyndy Day-Wilson says he isn't paying her


(Roy Gomez)

I reported on July 12, there was a sign saying new dispensary coming soon under new ownership. I contacted Gomez and he never responded. On July 23, I confirmed with the City of Eureka and there aren't any active business licenses at 103 5th St. This is the location of Roy Gomez' former dispensary, Heart of the Emerald on 5th street in Eureka. 

The last time I saw Gomez was at the courthouse speaking with Ms. Cyndy Day-Wilson. There were two other lawsuits involving Gomez I originally reported on in January and I did an update in May about a settlement and dismissal. 

With all the cases I am already following, the challenges to get details and court updates and the fact that none of this time and extra details is something I am compensated for; keeping up with Gomez and all the lawsuits he is filing is the least of my priorities. Court documents and case numbers are included and anyone is free to go do their own follow up and research.

The latest in Gomez' court battles is that he is not paying attorney fees according to Ms. Cyndy Day Wilson and there is a breakdown in communication. More dismissals and ongoing lawsuits with Juan Diaz which includes Heart of the Emerald in Eureka and Arcata. 

Failed candidacy, failed lawsuits, failed business. City of Eureka did not do this to you Roy. Where are all your CBE buddies now? They have no use for you now and you are about to find out just how fake, two faced and disloyal a certain segment of Humboldt can be. It is business and politics, as usual, in Humboldt. Roy railed against Eureka City Councilmembers and who the Citizens for a Better Eureka were praising on Facebook. I was getting "anonymous" tips to cover what Roy was claiming all over town. I didn't take the bait because I suspected the agenda. The tips were not from Roy.

At one time, this is what Roy Gomez said about me.

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