May 4, 2024

Dismissal? Settlement? In two cases involving Roy Gomez looks like Paul Hagen 2, Cyndy Day-Wilson 0


In January, I reported on two lawsuits. On 4/22/24, there was a case management conference in CV2301853 Rogelio Roy Gomez, Jr vs Alison Trout, Brian Trout, Does 1-10 and CV2201470 Tom Neuman vs Rogelio Gomez. The cases have been consolidated. Mr.Paul Hagen represents Neuman and the Trouts. Ms. Cyndy Day-Wilson is Gomez' attorney. 

According to 4/22 court minutes, Mr. Hagen told Judge Timothy Canning, Ms. Day-Wilson has dismissed their case and requests time to complete settlement. A dismissal hearing is scheduled for 6/14. When the case is finally resolved, maybe more details will be available.

CV2301853 dismissed on 5/3/24 with prejudice.  CV2201470 dismissed 6/5/24 with prejudice.

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